As a mRNA vaxed guy, you can thank me for the unvaxxed not getting it ... yet.

You spread/multiply fringe claims - may be to calm down your brain...

Look at real CoV-19 data from a lawful country (UK)

MRA "vaccinated only" (not recovered) get CoV-19 3..10x more often ! Since Omicron it's now a pandemic of the vaccinated only. Vaccinated die in a much higher rate than unvaxx with Omicron.

In UK recovered (>70% of the population) are counted into the vaccinated so all rates for vaccinated are > 3x worse than given!

Only recovered are fully protected as also CDC USA says. So far no recovered have died from a CoV-19 re-infection!


On 14.03.2022 04:22, CB Sites wrote:
Your right.  We should not be dictated to on health issues.  Jeezy, I guess women trying to resolve reproductive  health issues should also obay state laws too. They have no freedom either.   It's all crap anyway... no?  The difference is the jab is a step to resolve a *global pandemic* in society vs choice.   IMHO the government should not be involved in the later (freedom) choice..  but in a global pandemic it serves us all to follow the government's recommendations.

Covid is a nasty thing to get.  As a mRNA vaxed guy, you can thank me for the unvaxxed not getting it ... yet.

On Sun, Mar 13, 2022, 10:32 PM H LV <> wrote:

    I had all three vaccines too, but I am opposed to vaccine mandates.
    Just because vaccines have been mandated in the past does not mean
    mandates are lawful from a constitutional standpoint.
    If the benefits of vaccines are allowed to trump the right to
    security of person, other evils will follow.


    On Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 8:47 PM CB Sites <> wrote:

        As normal,  more antivax propaganda.  2 and a boost here and
        still Covid free.  Only thing is I feel far more liberal than
        before.  Lol.

        On Sun, Mar 13, 2022, 9:16 AM Jürg Wyttenbach
        <> wrote:

            As some of you might know, the Pfizer jab is highly
            damaging and so far killed/disabled > 100'000 people. The
            jabs - as studies show - over all did not save a single live.

            As a Paper::

            This has been proven by Pfizer itself. But because daddy
            Biden himself did bribe all US journals::


            No journal ever did report about the Pfizer Phase III 6
            months study results, that did clearly show more deaths in
            the vaccine arm. Not included are several more direct
            vaccine  deaths we now find inside the first 10'000 pages
            released by FDA. So Pfizer itself did prove extensive
            damage from its jabs.

            So virtually Pfizer damaged the live of > 2'000'000'000
            people world wide by selling a devastating RNA gene tech
            chemo therapy as  a "vaccine".

            The Pfizer data now is public: So, after 6 months the
            Pfizer chemo therapy (Called CoV-19 vaccine) did show far
            more damage than benefit. Pfizer did hide several deaths
            and live long crippled ...Boostered (UK) now get CoV-19
            3..10x more often than unvaxx. Vaxx New York children face
            >100x more damage than benefit.

            I did announce (on a forum) the post CoV-19 war more than
            4 months ago when it became clear that all the illegal
            money accumulated during the CoV-19 terror regime can only
            be secured under fire protection = diverting the public
            from a biological war crime committed by
            FDA/CDC/US-government and the media slaves.

            CoV-19 was a war against the population with the main
            target to steal tax payers money. At no time during the
            last 2 years CoV-19 was a threat to the health of 99.9% of
            the population.

            Already March 2020 we did know 3 perfect cures that could
            safe at least 99.8% of all lives. (See also Fauci e-mails)

            What the FM/R/J/B mafia did to prevent treatment was::

            Big pharma bribed and threatened to death many doctors:
            Here the video testimony of Dr. Andrew Hill Liverpool that
            first did promote Ivermectin and after death threats and
            heavy bribing allowed the FM/R/J/B mafia to write the
            conclusion of his "famous" reversed finding paper...


            Do not believe anything about CoV-19 that comes from
            Lancet, Jamma the today's main fake medical CoV-19 science

            I did help as many people I could with treatment and to
            escape the damaging RNA immune stimulation chemo therapy.
            (Exact terminology according Biontec home page - at least
            until Jan. 2022!)

            If you need  a real vaccine take Novavax or J&J (more
            risky) or go to Cuba!


            On 13.03.2022 13:34, H LV wrote:

            Have faith in "The Science" . All that matters in life is
            "The Science".
            "The Science" will determine policy.


            On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 10:08 PM Terry Blanton
            <> wrote:

                A Lund Univ study in Sweden:


                Not to panic.  It was in vitro.  But, it wasn't
                supposed to alter our DNA.  If proved to happen in
                the body, it could have long term health effects
                including possible autoimmune effects.

-- Jürg Wyttenbach
            Bifangstr. 22
            8910 Affoltern am Albis

            +41 44 760 14 18
            +41 79 246 36 06

Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18
+41 79 246 36 06

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