Particle physicists have an issue with our universe, it is not natural.
This wildly unnatural universe is at the bottom of our cold fusion
experience. The improbable existence of our universe is what makes cold
fusion possible. Our reality is setting on the knife's edge of existence. A
minimal increase of the Higgs field will push the universe into disaster.
Our universe is within a hair's breadth from destruction.

Naturalness and the Standard Model
Matt Strassler [August 27 – September 9, 2013] What is “Naturalness”? [This
subject is closely related to the hierarchy problem.]

Transmutation of matter happens when our universe is pushed over the edge
into an alien vacuum state. Transmutation begins when small pieces of our
universe will have entered into a microbubble of a newly created strange
alien state; and now this new micro anti-universe instantly reverts this
captured matter very softly and with high order into a cloud of energy and
strange alien fundamental particles. Only when this portion of our reality
re-enters back into the influence of our everyday existence does this
matter return to its normal structure, but that small portion of that
matter has been reordered and reconfigured into new forms and elements that
are different from how that matter was configured when it entered into that
new anti micro existence.

The sharpness of the Higgs fields' potential curve at its minimum defines
how fast mass will be applied to the fundamental particles in this
universe. A steep curve at the Higgs field minimum will result in a rapid
increase in the mass of all the fundamental particles in the alien universe.

Experts often compare the finely tuned Higgs mass to a pencil standing on
its sharpened lead tip, nudged this way and that by the slightest force
like a puff of air current or a table vibration that is so week that it is
undetectable to our senses will upset that perfect balance. It is not a
state of impossibility; it is a state of extremely small likelihood, say
scientists that study this issue. If you ever came across such a pencil
standing there, you would first move your hand over the pencil to see if
there was any string holding it from the ceiling. Next, you would look at
the tip to see if there is chewing gum.

The nucleus of the atom is a finely balanced system. The mass of the quarks
that comprise the nucleus is also finely balanced to keep the nucleus
together. If the mass of the quarks inside the nucleus were to increase by
just a few percent, then the nucleus would fall apart.

But the disintegration of the nucleus would reflect the amount of energy
that has been added to the Higgs potential. First we would see slight
isotopic shifts as a single neutron would leave the nucleus as just a
minuscule amount of quark mass is added.

As the Higgs vacuum potential grow further, elements would transmute as
protons left the nucleus.

And finally, when the Higgs potential neared its maximum and the
transmutation process became extreme, then all forms of confusing elemental
fissions and fusions would occur simultaneously.

>From transmutation results that have been seen over the years, it is
apparent that the process (EVO) that is transmuting elements has a
continuous range in power from very weak (slight isotopic changes) to
extremely strong (production of lead).

This brings to mind the 2005 article that George H. Miley authors to
explain some of the transmutation patterns he was seeing in his research.

Dr. Miley tries to make sense of the transmutation results that he was
seeing. This type of transmutation is extreme when the atoms that enter the
influence of the powerful EVO are turned into a quark gluon plasma.

Quark-Gluon Model for Magic Numbers Related to Low Energy Nuclear


Quark Masses and the Stability of the Proton and Deuteron

It has long been noted that the stability of the proton depends on the up
and down quark masses, requiring md - mu geq Eem approx alpha3/2 mproton to
overcome the extra electromagnetic mass-energy Eem of a proton relative to
a neutron. Detailed considerations suggest that md - mu is quite finely
tuned, in the sense that if it were changed by more than a fraction of its
value either way, nuclear astrophysics as we know it would radically change.

Quarks being always confined never appear ``on-shell'' so their masses are
tricky to measure precisely. A recent review by Fusaoka and Koide (1998)
gives mu = 4.88 ± 0.57 MeV, md = 9.81 ± 0.65 MeV, larger than the 0.511 MeV
of the electron but negligible compared to the 938.272 MeV mass of the
proton, 939.566 MeV of the neutron, or 1875.613 MeV of the deuteron. On the
other hand small changes in md-mu can have surprisingly profound effects on
the world through their effect on the relative masses of the proton,
neutron and deuteron. If mn < mp the proton is unstable and there are no
atoms, no chemistry. It is thus important that mn > mp, but not by too much
since the neutron becomes too unstable. The neutron beta- decay rate is as
small as it is only because of the small n, p mass difference: it is
closely controlled by the phase space suppression. With a small increase in
the mass difference the neutron decays much faster and the deuteron becomes
unstable, also leading to radical changes in the world.

In the past, earlier days of cold fusion research, you may remember slight
isotope changes in the distribution of nickel isotopes after a run on a
cold fusion reactor. In those feeble early solid state cold fusion
reactors, the nickel isotopes became more enriched in Ni62 and Ni64. Ni61
also showed a great deviation from the normal isotopic distribution. These
isotopic shifts showed redistribution of neutrons among the nickel atoms,
yet no neutrons were ever detected during these reactor runs.

The old guard cold fusion meme cannot explain how this change in isotopic
distribution could happen. The fusion nuclear reaction does not affect
isotopes, it only affects the number of protons and neutrons inside a
nucleus. As I have shown previously, this change in isotopic distribution
comes from slight changes in the masses of the up and down quarks in
protons and neutrons.

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