Robin <> wrote:

> >What makes you think such things are possible? Is there any evidence for
> >them?
> The evidence of my own eyes . . .

You have seen these machines?

> >They seem like pure science fiction to me.
> They always do, until you have seen it for yourself.
> Besides, everything is SF until our understanding advances a little
> further, and it becomes science fact.

If "everything" is science fiction until our understanding advances, then
why not wait until we have teleportation and faster-than-light

I think we have no basis to assume that everything we can imagine, such as
faster than light travel, is certain to be realized sooner or later. Some
things are impossible. Granted, we can never be 100% sure that something is
impossible, but we can be 99.9999% sure about many things.

Regarding your original statement, it seems to me that if we are ever able
to colonize planets on distant stars, there are probably millions of
planets that would be nice to live on. Places either similar to earth, or
capable of being terraformed. So why bother going to one that is too hot or
requires extreme technology such as anti-gravity just to live on it?

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