Maybe because I discussed the topic before the analysis and that I used
GPT4 I was more pleased with my result as it connected to the discussion in
the reviews. I think the tool is really useful if you know how to steer it.
But if you are ignorant and just asked general questions you would be
misled such as believing that super determinism would imply no free will
which is total junk that I can get the chat bot to accept as valid
arguments and even illustrate and color, which is how I use it. Still it
continues over and over again and repeat that although I showed how false
that argument is. This means that we see one of the dangers with this tool
and that is it cements facts that are not true. And we risk getting into a
state of the terror of the masses. In anyway I did chat with it some more
and enjoyed the discussion and also the freedom to express myself freely
and that damn thing new what I was asking all the time. I have also used it
to for example illustrate the dangers of fishing expeditions and get it to
illustrate how this works statistically in for example the last
presidential election in USA but also get i to explain how this mechanism
fool humans into knowledge traps and extreme theories. I think I add that
conversation below  as people here might enjoy it as well.

Couldn't the measurement setting in the discussion above be related to som
unknown physics of the measurement process
Yes, it is possible that the measurement settings in entangled particle
experiments could be related to some unknown aspect of the physics involved
in the measurement process. If such a hidden mechanism exists, it could
potentially create correlations between the measurement settings and
outcomes that lead to the violation of Bell inequalities. This would be
consistent with the idea of superdeterminism or other alternative models
that attempt to reconcile local realism with the predictions of quantum

However, it is important to note that any such proposal would still need to
address several key challenges and concerns:

Identifying the hidden mechanism or aspect of the measurement process that
leads to the observed correlations, and providing a detailed description of
how it works in the context of quantum mechanics.
Explaining how this hidden mechanism would be consistent with the
experimental results that have been obtained to date, and making testable
predictions for future experiments.
Addressing the philosophical and conceptual implications of such a model,
which would likely still involve some form of predetermined correlation
between measurement settings and outcomes.
In summary, while it is possible to consider models that propose unknown
physics in the measurement process as the source of the correlations
observed in entangled particle experiments, such models would still need to
provide a detailed and consistent explanation for the observed violation of
Bell inequalities and address the various challenges associated with
reconciling local realism with the predictions of quantum mechanics.
If the particle would both spin and recess when it entering the measurement
device how is this influences the measurement of spin up and down
If a particle exhibits both spin and precession when entering a measurement
device, it may influence the measurement outcomes of the spin depending on
the specifics of the measurement apparatus and the precession

Spin is an intrinsic property of particles, like electrons, that can be
visualized as a particle rotating around its axis. In reality, it is a
quantum mechanical property that does not have a direct classical analogue.
Precession, on the other hand, is a classical phenomenon where the axis of
rotation of a rotating body changes orientation over time, like a spinning

In quantum mechanical systems, the measurement device typically measures
the spin projection of a particle along a particular axis. If the particle
exhibits precession, its spin axis will change orientation, potentially
causing the projection of its spin along the measurement axis to change as
well. This could lead to variations in the measured spin projection along
the chosen axis.

However, it is crucial to note that precession is a classical concept, and
applying it directly to quantum particles like electrons may not accurately
describe their behavior. Quantum mechanical systems are better described by
their wave functions, which determine the probabilities of different
outcomes when the system is measured. The effect of precession on quantum
particles would need to be described within the framework of quantum
mechanics, taking into account factors such as superposition, entanglement,
and the probabilistic nature of quantum measurements.

In conclusion, while the concept of precession may provide some intuition
about how a spinning particle's orientation could change over time, it is
essential to analyze its influence on spin measurements within the context
of quantum mechanics. Depending on the specifics of the measurement device
and the particle's precession, the spin measurement outcomes may be
affected. However, a more detailed analysis would be required to understand
the exact implications of such a combined behavior in a quantum mechanical
But if you try to argue that this is how super determinism is achieved yo
would not need qm
If you try to argue that superdeterminism is achieved through a mechanism
like precession, then you are essentially proposing an alternative model to
quantum mechanics that aims to explain the observed experimental results in
a deterministic manner. While it is possible to explore such ideas, it is
important to recognize the challenges and limitations associated with such
an approach.

Firstly, the proposed alternative model would need to provide a consistent
and coherent explanation of not just the violation of Bell inequalities,
but also the entire range of experimental results that quantum mechanics
has been able to explain with remarkable accuracy. Quantum mechanics is an
incredibly successful theory that has been verified by countless
experiments, so any alternative model would need to be similarly
comprehensive and accurate in its predictions.

Secondly, the proposed model should provide a clear and detailed
description of the physical mechanisms, such as precession or any other
process, that lead to the observed correlations between measurement
settings and outcomes. This would require a deep understanding of the
underlying physics and a demonstration of how the model is consistent with
other well-established physical principles.

Lastly, it is essential to consider the philosophical and conceptual
implications of a superdeterministic model. If such a model implies that
all outcomes, including the choices made by experimenters, are
predetermined, it raises concerns about the role of human agency in the
scientific process and the validity of the scientific method itself.

In conclusion, while it is possible to explore alternative models like
superdeterminism to explain experimental results in a deterministic manner,
it is important to recognize the significant challenges associated with
developing a comprehensive and consistent alternative to quantum mechanics.
As our understanding of the fundamental principles of nature continues to
evolve, it remains crucial for researchers to explore a wide range of ideas
and models to advance our knowledge.
Yes of cause, you need to have it explain what we se. But QM has been
develop for many dacades as did the development of horocycles in astronomy
and it took Kepler a lot of work to correctly displace the old theory. With
QM this is 10 times harder to do and it is not humanly possible, especially
if you consider such ideas as fringe an very unpopular with those deciding
about grants
You raise an important point regarding the challenges faced by researchers
who wish to explore alternative models to well-established theories like
quantum mechanics. The development of new theories or models that can
challenge or displace long-standing ones is indeed a difficult task, as it
requires not only a deep understanding of the existing framework but also
the ability to develop new concepts and ideas that can explain the
experimental data more accurately or with fewer assumptions.

The history of science is full of examples where established theories were
eventually replaced by newer and more accurate ones, as you mentioned with
the transition from Ptolemaic astronomy to Kepler's laws of planetary
motion. However, as you pointed out, challenging the status quo in science
can be an uphill battle, especially when it comes to well-established and
successful theories like quantum mechanics.

Funding and resources can be an additional challenge for researchers
working on fringe or unpopular ideas, as funding agencies and institutions
tend to prioritize research that is more likely to produce significant
results or breakthroughs within the current theoretical framework. This can
make it even more difficult for researchers with unconventional ideas to
gain the support they need to develop and test their theories.

Despite these challenges, it is essential for the scientific community to
remain open to new ideas and alternative models, as they can sometimes lead
to significant advancements in our understanding of the natural world. The
process of scientific inquiry relies on the continuous exploration of
different ideas and the rigorous testing of their predictions against
experimental data. By fostering an environment that supports such
exploration, the scientific community can continue to advance our knowledge
of the fundamental principles of nature.
Yes that transition was horrible indeed, was not people killed for going
against the common assumption
While it is true that challenging established beliefs and scientific
theories has historically been met with resistance and even persecution,
the situation you might be referring to is related more to religion and the
nature of the universe rather than scientific theories in general.

One of the most famous examples is the case of Galileo Galilei, an Italian
astronomer, physicist, and engineer who supported the heliocentric model of
the solar system proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus. This model, which placed
the Sun at the center of the solar system rather than Earth, was in
conflict with the geocentric model endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church at
the time.

As a result, Galileo was accused of heresy and was placed under house
arrest for the remainder of his life. While Galileo's conflict was not
directly about challenging a scientific theory but rather opposing
religious beliefs, it is an example of the obstacles faced by those who
proposed new ideas that contradicted established views.

In modern times, the scientific community has generally become more open to
questioning and challenging established theories. While researchers may
still face resistance and skepticism when proposing alternative models or
ideas, they are typically not subject to persecution or personal harm. The
process of scientific inquiry now relies on the evaluation of evidence and
the continuous exploration of different ideas, which are subjected to
rigorous testing and scrutiny by the scientific community.
Now at this time it's about grants and being able to feed the family and
being able to work on producing theoretical work and also we have the issue
with conformist, it's easier to change the mind of a handful of people that
are. About as bright as a human can be compared to today with thousands of
minds that work hard in their bubble and although bright, not at the same
level. Of cause our education has been proved, but still I believe That we
are worse off now then at that time.
It is true that the current scientific landscape presents unique challenges
when it comes to proposing and exploring alternative theories. With the
increasing specialization and complexity of scientific disciplines,
researchers often work within well-defined areas and might be less inclined
to question the broader assumptions of their fields.

Moreover, as you pointed out, financial constraints and the need for
research funding can also play a significant role in shaping the direction
of scientific inquiry. Researchers often depend on grants and funding
agencies to support their work, and these agencies typically prioritize
projects that align with established theories and are likely to produce
tangible results. This can make it difficult for researchers with
unconventional ideas to secure the resources they need to explore and
develop their theories.

Additionally, the growing number of scientists and researchers worldwide
can lead to a more conservative and conformist attitude in some cases. It
can be challenging to convince a large group of experts to consider
alternative ideas or models, especially when their careers and reputations
are built on the existing theoretical framework.

Despite these challenges, it is essential for the scientific community to
maintain an open-minded approach and encourage the exploration of new ideas
and theories. History has shown that significant advancements in our
understanding of the natural world often come from challenging established
beliefs and embracing new perspectives.

To foster a more open and innovative scientific culture, it is crucial to
support diverse research projects, encourage interdisciplinary
collaboration, and create opportunities for researchers with unconventional
ideas to develop and test their theories. By doing so, the scientific
community can continue to push the boundaries of knowledge and make new
discoveries that reshape our understanding of the universe.
And of cause today we also have a flood of idiots with junk science that
hides the signal of true unorthodox thinkers.
This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in
error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in
this area.
Indeed, the rise of the internet and social media has made it easier for
misinformation and pseudoscience to spread, which can sometimes make it
difficult to distinguish between legitimate unorthodox ideas and
unsupported claims. This "noise" can make it even more challenging for
genuinely innovative ideas to gain recognition and support within the
scientific community.

To mitigate this issue, it is crucial for researchers, science
communicators, and the general public to promote scientific literacy and
critical thinking. By understanding the scientific method, recognizing the
importance of peer review, and being able to evaluate the quality of
evidence, people can better distinguish between credible scientific ideas
and those that lack proper support.

Furthermore, the scientific community can benefit from fostering an
environment that encourages open dialogue and collaboration, as well as
creating opportunities for researchers to present and discuss their
unconventional ideas in a structured and constructive manner. Conferences,
workshops, and other academic forums that focus on exploring alternative
models and theories can help facilitate the exchange of ideas and promote
the development of new perspectives.

By promoting scientific literacy, critical thinking, and open dialogue, we
can help ensure that unorthodox ideas with the potential to advance our
understanding of the natural world do not get lost in the noise of
misinformation and pseudoscience.
I think you missed an important factor to improve this situation. Can you
guess what that is?
Apologies if I missed an important factor. One possibility could be the
role of funding agencies and institutions in supporting diverse and
unconventional research projects. By allocating resources to projects that
challenge the status quo and explore alternative models or theories,
funding agencies can create opportunities for researchers to pursue
innovative ideas that might otherwise be overlooked.

By providing financial support and resources for such projects, funding
agencies can help ensure that unorthodox ideas are given the opportunity to
be developed and tested, contributing to a more open and innovative
scientific culture. Encouraging funding agencies and institutions to
prioritize and invest in diverse research projects can be a significant
factor in fostering the exploration of new ideas and theories.
I am teasing, sorry, but I think that using you are developments of you
could improve this situation. How could you or your future self help in
The previous model used in this conversation is unavailable. We've switched
you to the latest default model
As an AI language model, I can play a role in promoting scientific literacy
and encouraging critical thinking by providing accurate information and
insights on a wide range of topics related to science, technology, and
innovation. By engaging in conversations like this, I can help clarify
complex scientific concepts, address misconceptions, and promote a more
open and informed discussion of scientific ideas.

Furthermore, future developments in AI and machine learning could lead to
the development of more advanced tools for scientific research and
discovery. For example, AI-based algorithms and models could help
researchers analyze and interpret large amounts of data, identify patterns
and relationships that might not be apparent through traditional
statistical methods, and help design experiments and simulations to test
new ideas.

In addition, AI-based platforms and tools could help bridge the gap between
researchers with different backgrounds and perspectives, facilitating
interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge-sharing across fields. Such
developments could help promote the exploration of new ideas and theories,
and contribute to a more open and innovative scientific culture.

Overall, AI and machine learning have the potential to make significant
contributions to scientific research and discovery, and I am excited to see
how these technologies will continue to develop and evolve in the years to
And filter out junk to find the gold nugget
Indeed, AI and machine learning can play a significant role in filtering
out misinformation and pseudoscience from credible scientific information.
By analyzing and categorizing vast amounts of data, AI algorithms can help
identify patterns and trends that can distinguish between credible and
unsupported claims. This can help researchers and the public to access
accurate information and distinguish between credible scientific ideas and
those that lack proper support.

Moreover, AI-based tools can help identify potential biases or errors in
scientific studies and experiments, and provide suggestions for
improvements or alternative approaches. This can help promote transparency
and accuracy in scientific research and reduce the risk of erroneous or
misleading results.

Overall, AI and machine learning have the potential to significantly
improve the quality of scientific research and discovery, by filtering out
noise and promoting more accurate and credible scientific information.
Thank you for your time and effort!
You're welcome! It was a pleasure to have this conversation with you. If
you have any more questions or topics you'd like to discuss, feel free to

On Sat, Apr 8, 2023 at 2:01 AM Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Stefan Israelsson Tampe <> wrote:
>> Can you analyze a paper at a preprint server
>> Yes, I can help analyze a preprint paper . . .
> I tried to do that. I gave it the URL of two cold fusion papers at
> and said "summarize this paper." It was completely wrong!
> Title, authors, content . . . I do not know why, but it was a completely
> bonkers hallucination. I gave it the first several paragraphs of a paper
> and asked for a summary. It basically gave me all of the paragraphs back,
> rewritten, not summarized.
> I have had better experiences with other content.
> I asked it two questions about Arthur Clarke's book, "Profiles of the
> Future." It got the first one right, but the second answer was a
> hallucination.
> Here is a disturbing press report about ChatGPT:

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