I wrote:

> The methods used to program ChatGPT and light years away from anything
> like human cognition. As different as what bees do with their brains
> compared to what we do.

To take another example, the human brain can add 2 + 2 = 4. A computer ALU
can also do this, in binary arithmetic. The brain and the ALU get the same
answer, but the methods are COMPLETELY different. Some people claim that
ChatGPT is somewhat intelligent. Artificially intelligent. For the sake of
argument, let us say this is a form of intelligence. In that case, it is an
alien form as different from human intelligence as an ALU. A bee brain is
probably closer to ours than ChatGPT. It may be that a future AGI, even a
sentient one, has totally different mechanisms than the human brain. As
alien as an ALU. In that case, I do not think it will be possible for the
AGI to actually emulate a human, although it might be able to imitate one,
the way ChatGPT does. I doubt it will ever be able to feel what it is like
to be a human. We humans cannot imagine what it feels like to be a bee, or
even a more intelligent creature such as a bat, because bats have such a
different way of living, and sensing (echolocation). We do know what it is
like being a chimpanzee, because we share so much DNA and we have many
behaviors in common, such as anger, politics, and grieving over dead

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