Harry Veeder wrote:
Michel Jullian wrote:

In spite of, or rather thanks to the ion fan out feature, this design has
beaten as I had expected all other lifter designs in terms of thrust per unit
area, by a comfortable margin (3 times that of a standard lifter e.g.
Naudin's, 1.5 times that of a flat grid De Seversky ionocraft), at the expense
of a 40% lower thrust to power ratio.



Can ion wind explain this?:


"Note from Jean- Louis Naudin : Congratulations to Greg Vizza and to Francis
Daran, there experiment proves definitely
that the main Lifter thrust is the result of an upward force of the aluminum
armature towards the virtual armature generated
by the wires."

If so, then the thing could be put in a large box closed on all sides, the whole thing placed on a scale, and when the lifter takes off, the box will get lighter. (Since the things operate indoors they can obviously operate inside a box!)

Simple enough check -- much simpler than watching how the tubes shift around and trying to conclude anything from that.

A farmer has a truck full of chickens. Truck weighs 1/2 ton empty, and the birds weigh an additional 1/4 ton; 3/4 ton total. He comes to a bridge with a 1/2 ton weight limit. Oh, oh -- what to do... He gets out of the truck, finds a stick, and whacks the side of the truck. The chickens all fly into the air inside the truck (so these are chickens that can fly ... don't get hung up on the details). While they're still flying around inside the truck, he drives over the bridge.

Does this work?

This is a device several guys on this list could build and test.


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