----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Berry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 5:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Re: Fred's Van de Graaff Antics

> On 2/5/07, Michel Jullian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It won't rise but some of the ions will go round or even through the paper
>> so you'll get some remaining thrust, it's very hard to insulate high
>> voltages.
>> Anyway no one serious in the field still doubts the ion wind hypothesis,
>> for thousands of reasons, not the least of them being that it has been
>> experimentally shown that you get no thrust in vacuum.
> Idiot skeptics are the only ones convinced it's only ion wind.
> Firstly the ion wind has been shown to be insufficient to explain the
> thrust. (according to NASA's calculations)

You can calculate i*d/2E-4 (i current in A, d gap in m) for yourself can't you? 
Well that's the ion wind's contribution to the thrust in N. Measure more thrust 
than that in a device, and then you'll have found evidence of something else 
contributing, until then you're an idiot ion wind skeptic :)

>> Beware though that high voltages (25kV for a typical computer screen power
>> supply) at any sizeable current (more than a few mA) can be lethal, and hurt
>> a lot in the very least (feels a bit like having your arm caught in a meat
>> chopper I was told).
> Actually the only thing you feel is a pin point burn and the smell of
> burning skin, plus a buzzing.
> If it wasn't for the burn it's not painful though possibly irritating.

The friend who made that description of the pain plays with high voltages at 
the kW level, do you?  :)


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