Lehmann also claims Bio-Char or Agri-Char in the soil also sequesters 
atmospheric CO2.

Over the years I have noticed that flood irrigation of farmland produces higher 
crop yields
than non-aerated well water, implying that soil CO2 made available to the plant
root system aids plant growth.

Given the large surface area of a good carbon char (more than hundreds of 
square meters per gram along with soil moisture retention, I can buy that.



Bio-char or Agri-char: the new frontier 

Inspired by the fascinating properties of Terra Preta de Indio, bio-char is a 
soil amendment that has the potential to revolutionize concepts of soil 
management. While "discovered" may not be the right word, as bio-char (also 
called charcoal or biomass-derived black carbon, recently in context of 
agricultural application also named agri-char) has been used in traditional 
agricultural practices as well as in modern horticulture, never before has 
evidence been accumulating that demonstrates so convincingly that bio-char has 
very specific and unique properties that make it stand out among the 
opportunities for sustainable soil management.
The benefits of bio-char rest on two pillars:
1- The extremely high affinity of nutrients to bio-char
2- The extremely high persistence of bio-char
These two properties (which are truly extraordinary - see details below) can be 
used effectively to address some of the most urgent environmental problems of 
our time:
1- Soil degradation and food insecurity
2- Water pollution from agro-chemicals
3- Climate change
"Soils with bio-char additions are typically more fertile, produce more and 
better crops for a longer period of time." 
Nutrient Affinity
All organic matter added to soil significantly improves various soil functions, 
not the least the retention of several nutrients that are essential to plant 
growth. What is special about bio-char is that it is much more effective in 
retaining most nutrients and keeping them available to plants than other 
organic matter for example common leaf litter, compost or manures. 
Interestingly, this is also true for phosphorus which is not at all retained by 
'normal' soil organic matter.
Sombroek, W., Nachtergaele, F.O. and Hebel, A.: 1993, ?Amounts, dynamics and 
sequestering of carbon in tropical and subtropical soils', Ambio 22, 417-426. 
Mikan, C.J. and Abrams, M.D.: 1995, 'Altered forest composition and soil 
properties of historic charcoal hearths in southeastern Pennsylvania', Canadian 
Journal of Forestry Research 25, 687-696.
Lehmann, J., da Silva Jr., J.P., Steiner, C., Nehls, T., Zech, W. and Glaser, 
B.: 2003a, ?Nutrient availability and leaching in an archaeological Anthrosol 
and a Ferralsol of the Central Amazon basin: fertilizer, manure and charcoal 
amendments', Plant and Soil 249 , 343-357. 
Lehmann, J., Kern, D.C., German, L.A., McCann, J., Martins, G.C. and Moreira, 
A.: 2003b, ?Soil Fertility and Production Potential', in J. Lehmann, D.C. Kern, 
B. Glaser and W.I. Woods (eds.), Amazonian Dark Earths: Origin, Properties, 
Management , Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 105-124. 
Liang, B. , Lehmann, J., Solomon, D., Kinyangi, J., Grossman, J., O'Neill, B., 
Skjemstad, J.O., Thies, J., Luizão, F.J., Petersen, J. and Neves, E.G.: 2006, 
'Black carbon increases cation exchange capacity in soils', Soil Science 
Society of America Journal 70: 1719-1730. 

It is undisputed that bio-char is much more persistent in soil than any other 
form of organic matter that is commonly applied to soil. Therefore, all 
associated benefits with respect to nutrient retention and soil fertility are 
longer lasting than with alternative management. The long persistence of 
bio-char in soil also make it a prime candidate for the mitigation of climate 
change as a potential sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide. The success of 
effective reduction of greenhouse gases depends on the associated net emission 
reductions through bio-char sequestration. However, a net emission reduction 
can only be achieved in conjunction with sustainable management of biomass 
production. During the conversion of biomass to bio-char about 50% of the 
original carbon is retained in the bio-char, which offers a significant 
opportunity for creating such a carbon sink. 
Pessenda, L.C.R., Gouveia, S.E.M. and Aravena, R.: 2001, ?Radiocarbon dating of 
total soil organic matter and humin fraction and its comparison with 14 C ages 
of fossil charcoal', Radiocarbon 43 , 595-601.
Seifritz, W.: 1993, ?Should we store carbon in charcoal?', International 
Journal of Hydrogen Energy 18 , 405-407.
Schmidt, M.W.I. and Noack, A.G.: 2000, ?Black carbon in soils and sediments: 
analysis, distribution, implications, and current challenges', Global 
Biogeochemical Cycles 14 , 777-794.
Shindo, H.: 1991, ?Elementary composition, humus composition, and decomposition 
in soil of charred grassland plants', Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 37 , 

-(in preparation)- 


Bio-fuel production through low-temperature pyrolysis 

"Combining bio-energy production with bio-char application to soil offers one 
of the most exciting perspectives of future land-based production technologies."
(read more about Bio-char and Bio-energy) 

Okimori, Y., Ogawa, M. and Takahashi, F.: 2003, ?Potential of CO2 emission 
reductions by carbonizing biomass waste from industrial tree plantation in 
south Sumatra , Indonesia ', Mitigation and Adaptation Straegies for Global 
Change 8 , 261-280.

Bio-Energy and Bio-char
This research explores the opportunities and constraints to combining a 
bio-char soil management with energy production using novel low-temperature 
pyrolysis. Three real-world issues justify this approach: (1) The ever 
increasing pressure on rural land users to generate sufficient income from 
their land with decreasing market prices for food; (2) the necessity to provide 
sustainable production systems that minimize on- and off-site pollution and 
soil degradation; and (3) the demand for solutions to global warming. 
While food prices do not increase sufficiently enough to ensure healthy farm 
economies without subsidies in many industrialized countries, energy prices 
increase at unprecedented rates. Within the past two years, gas and diesel 
prices increased by 150% (DOE, 2005). In contrast, the proportion of a 
household income spent for food decreased from 21% in 1950 to 10% in 2000 (ERS, 
2005). One strategy to resolve this dilemma for farmers is to engage in energy 
production over the long term in addition to food production in order to 
diversify income. Several different strategies for land-based bio-energy 
production exist that build on modern biomass technology (in contrast to 
traditional biomass, UNDP 2004). The underlying principle is usually the 
sustainable land-based production of an energy crop or the use of waste biomass 
(also animal manures!) and the conversion into bio-fuels by various mechanisms. 
Possible avenues for producing bio-fuels from biomass are ethanol production th!
 rough microbial fermentation, extraction of oils from crops, pyrolysis and 
gasification of biomass (Caputo et al., 2005). Farmers have begun to understand 
the economic opportunities associated with bio-energy. This proposal introduces 
an emergent strategy of combining energy production using modern biomass with 
land application of bio-char which is a residue from the energy production that 
has multiple environmental benefits.
The proposed technology is low-temperature pyrolysis that yields bio-oil, 
hydrogen or directly electricity as the energy carrier (including valuable 
co-products), with bio-oil being the more advanced and more wide-spread 
technology (Meier and Faix 1999; Bridgwater et al. 2002). The biomass feedstock 
may include a wide variety of biomass (Yaman 2004) such as wood chips or 
pellets, bark, crop residues such as nut shells or rice husks, and grass 
residues such as bagasse from the sugarcane industry. More importantly, 
however, planted energy crops can be used with the sole purpose of producing 
bio-fuels, such as short-rotation woody plants (e.g. willow), grasses (e.g. 
Miscanthus spp.), or herbaceous plants. The key for securing environmental 
benefits is the production of a bio-char by-product during pyrolysis which can 
be applied to soil. 
Day, D., Evans, R.J., Lee, J.W. and Reicosky, D.: 2005, ‘Economical CO2 , SOx , 
and NOx capture from fossil-fuel utilization with combined renewable hydrogen 
production and large-scale carbon sequestration', Energy 30 , 2558-2579.
Lehmann, J., Gaunt, J. and Rondon, M.: 2006, 'Bio-char sequestration in 
terrestrial ecosystems – a review', Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for 
Global Change 11, 403-427 
Li, X., Hagaman, E., Tsouris, C. and Lee, J.W.: 2003, ‘Removal of carbon 
dioxide from flue gas by ammonia carbonization in the gas phase', Energy & 
Fuels 17 , 69-74.
Yaman, S.: 2004, ‘Pyrolysis of biomass to produce fuels and chemical 
feedstocks', Energy Conversion and Management 45 , 651-671.
News Feature article in NATURE:
Marris E 2006 Black is the new green. Nature 442: 624-626. 

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