Jones Beene wrote:

Like you-know-who (not Santa) it is high-time for enforcement officials to make a list and check it twice for these flagrant Patriot-Act scofflaws. To wit:

Senator Max Cleland ~ Former member of the 9/11 Commission . . .

A good man, but not a structural engineer.

Col. Robert Bowman, U.S. Air Force, Director of Advanced Space Programs, PhD Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering "

This guy is the only one on the list competent to judge the NIST study in detail.

Did he conclude the building was brought down by explosives? Then he is a flake with a PhD, like Steve Jones. The events surrounding cold fusion have proved there are many highly educated fruitcakes and idiots in the scientific establishment -- which should come as no surprise. Or did he conclude there was a political cover-up or some other machination that would not have left physical evidence? That is another subject entirely. I am not address that issue and I have no opinion about it.

Senator Mark Dayton ~ Member, Senate Committee on Armed Services . . .
Congressman Ron Paul . . .
Congressman Curt Weldon . . .

No more qualified than the cop on the corner as far as I know. Lots of Senators and others in high places have assured me with the utmost authority that cold fusion does not exist. I do not trust the judgement of people who are discussing matters in which they have no expertise or track record.

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney . . .

MY former representative! I knew her, Horatio. A woman of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. And a certified nut, if ever there was one. This is another Steve Jones test: If McKinney says there is something to it, you can be damn sure there isn't.

I will grant, a stopped clock is right twice a day . . .

Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts, PhD ~ "Distinguished national and international scientists and scholars present massive evidence that the 9/11 Commission Report is a hoax and that the 9/11 "terrorist attack" has been manipulated to serve a hegemonic agenda in the Middle East...

Again, did this guy claim there is a conspiracy, or did he claim thermite was involved? If he made the latter claim, then why do you take the judgement of an economist over that of "some 200 technical experts­including about 85 career NIST experts and 125 leading experts from the private sector and academia"? Or do you think the administration bought off or frightened these 200 experts? You are acting just like U.S. and Japanese officials who take the word of Time magazine reporter over the conclusions reached by 200 electrochemists who have done 15 years of relevant research.

- Jed

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