Jed Rothwell wrote:

You mean: the building was gutted over several weeks prior to 9/11, all of the heavy objects were removed, the main beams were cut, and hundreds of pounds of explosives were put into the building, but nobody noticed.

I thought you at least had a rudimentary understanding of how this was done. There are several steps involved and the steps do not have to be done at the same time. Thermite itself is not in any way an explosive, and is safer to store than many things stored in office buildings, including paper. It generally requires TNT to ignite, (or perhaps a jumbo jet) and if the steel pillars are box-type with open space, as was the case at WTC7 - then thermite can be poured into the open pillars long before any beams are cut, and this can be done over extended time periods - long before any explosives are attached.

This could have been done years in advance, with no disruption. Wiring for the charges could have been done at any time without disruption. Main beams are usually cut immediately prior to the "pull" but do not, of necessity, have to be cut at all - in order to get the clean fall.

Look - almost every demolition engineer in the World has weighed-in on this exact possibility already - and they have had their say recorded on the net - but there is no consensus. Some say it is possible - others disagree. The dividing line often revolves around who is paying their bill, or who they voted for.

BTW, it is clear that many of the valuables which had been stored in WTC7, including much of the gold had already been removed. Why? if they did not know that a legitimate demolition had been planned.

And what about the other anomalies which indicate pre-knowledge? Have you even looked at these - or are you doing the typical Park-routine of see-no-evil :: believe-no-evil?


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