John Berry writes:

>Actually it has been pointed out that there was a light (laser?) beam
>visible on the building which was probably used for painting the taget . . .

These were amateur pilots. An experienced pilot would have great difficulty 
doing that. Many of the Japanese kamikaze pilots missed their targets 
(battleships or aircraft carriers) by a wide margin. It is remarkable that they 
both hit and it would be a miracle if they could see and hit a laser spot.

> . . . the
>most likely would be a range of floors and they simply triggered the one

A range of floors? Let's say 10 floors, with 5 thouand pounds of thermite on 
each one. You are suggesting that the following took place:

In the months leading up to the attack, someone brought in 50,000 pounds of 
thermite into the building without being detected. They tore down a large 
number of walls next to the elevators to explose the main beams around the 
elevator shafts. They cut through concrete with jackhammers and prepared 
thermite, fuses, electric wires and so on. They stockpiled a huge number of 
tools, which would allow them to cut several hundreds of beams per floor 
quickly (20 minutes or so -- a world record). While all this was happening, no 
one in the building noticed. Thousand of tenants walked right past this work, 
and lived with the noise, dust and commotion for weeks, but not a single one 
complained or raised questions. Hundreds of workers showed up every day on ten 
floors for weeks preparing the demolition, but nobody noticed.

They trained maybe 500 people to do this (50 people per floor) and had them 
show up and remain inconspicuous even though they were wearing industrial 
clothing, welder's masks, gloves and so on. Then, when the airplane struck, 50 
of these people miraculously survived without oxygen in roaring flames, and 
they went to work cutting away at the beams. And after a while they cut through 
the beams.

Following that, even though the most intense police and forensic investigation 
in history was performed, and even though there were thousand of pounds of 
unused thermite, enough tools and equipment to fill a small factory, 500 dead 
people wearing heavy clothing, welder's masks and so on, on 10 floors, not a 
single trace of this evidence was found.

Do you really think this is plausible? Do you really take this seriously? 
Because this is the only way this could happen. No one can hide 50,000 tons of 
thermite, or perform a major demolition in ten minutes.

I suggest you THINK about how things really work. Stop throwing around the word 
"thermite" as if it was magic dust that someone can throw at a building and 
have it fall down minutes later. Think about how construction and demolitions 
are performed, how long they take, what steps are needed, where the main beams 
in a building are located, how a workman would access them, and so on. You will 
see that the scenario you imagine is utterly impossible.

- Jed

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