Blast-from-the past (9 years ago): and shall we dare to revisit everyone's (especially Jed's) favorite "pseud-o-U" Claimant: (Joe N, not Jean L N)

JLN sez: "The purpose of this test is to check for changes in the entropy of the (Newman) Machine"

Side note: This was not Newman's machine per se, but an improved version built by Naudin/David ...and... the Motor ran for four minutes+ with NO (zero, nada, zilch) power input !

...and everyone, including moi, thought, at the time, that it was a sham or error, due to Newman (Souffle's) over-reaching bad attitude (tin cup extended) and the other self-serving and inflammatory comments made on Vortex and elsewhere.

... did Naudin use good technique ? Hmmm... this part is not rocket science ... JLN: "I have used a dual probes digital thermometer (resolution 0.1 degree Celsius)" :

- The first temperature probe has been used as reference for the lab temp (21.5 degrees Celsius)
- The second temperature probe has been glued directly on the Newman's coil.

I have waited one hour before starting the test for equalizing the temperatures ( LabTemp = 21.5 degrees, Coil Temp = 21.5 degrees)

The test has been conducted during one hour. [graph shown]

Again: This was for the Motor which ran for four minutes with NO (zero, nada, zilch) power input !

OK the cooling results shown are intriguing but not conclusive - as this is not a huge drop and only slightly over the resolution of the probes. However, there should have been substantial coil heating instead of cooling and there is no good reason to suspect thermoelectric (Peltier-Seebeck) cooling:

Therefore, I for one, want to go on record as saying that this motor was "probably" (arguably) running in a slight OU mode for most of those 4 minute, unless it was acting as an antenna for local power mains,

...or whatever (after all JNL's lab is on the premises of EDF) ...and also that if not an antenna, then the temperature drop, small as it was, was proof of negentropy - and very likely to have been related to ZPE extraction.

How is that for equivocation? err... no snide remarks, my vocation is not equivocation <g>

Terry Blanton wrote:
Gnorts Vorts!

While some things must remain on the QT, I was reading that TB
(Bearden, not me) claims that his MEG gets cool when it's pumping
power.  Would any Vorts care to speculate how an OU device would take
heat from the environment?


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