Michel Jullian wrote:

Er... Jed, are you saying that most CF papers reporting excess heat do not report input power (or energy), nor output power (or energy) !?

They often report excess power or energy, which is output minus input. Of course there are papers that report all values. However, as Ed says, the input electrolysis power is generally considered irrelevant. It is a little like taking into account the energy consumed by the instruments used to measure the effect. (Of course you do have to do this when some of the instrument energy leaks into the calorimeter, for example when you use a fan inside a Seebeck calorimeter to make the inside air temperature uniform, you have to keep track of the fan input electricity.)

 Or just that they don't use the term COP?

Now that you mention it, I see only two refs for it with the Google search box at LENR-CANR: Dardik and one other. Dardik is here:


- Jed

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