I wrote:

Er... Jed, are you saying that most CF papers reporting excess heat do not report input power (or energy), nor output power (or energy) !?

They often report excess power or energy, which is output minus input. Of course there are papers that report all values.

Some papers report only the excess power normalized to volume of Pd, which is annoying. Especially when you have no idea what the volume of Pd is. See, for example, Table 10, p. 44 in this otherwise excellent paper:


This is really only useful for a comparison, not to get the absolute value. This proves that some materials work much better than others but there is no telling how much power was actually involved. The column headings are:

Source, the supplier who provided the Pd

d, cm, diameter in centimeters

V, cm3, voltage normalized to the volume of Pd. (And who knows what that was?)

Px/V, W/cm3, excess power per volt or watts per cm3. (Apparently the same in all cases? This must be the maximum for all run, such as the 9 positive runs with JM Pd, row #5)

There is no mention of COP in any of Miles' papers as far as I can recall. He does often discuss electrochemical properties and recombination, especially in the context of his papers about his disagreement with Jones et al. But the ratios of input electrolysis power to output power (the COP) is not discussed. Miles or any electrochemist will know many steps for lowering this ratio by improving efficiency electrolysis. They do not take these steps because there is no point or because the steps will interfere with the experiment. For example, everyone knows you can reduce electrolysis power by putting the cathode and the anode closer together. Having the anode and cathode too close together makes it difficult to assemble the cell and observe the reaction (with a glass cell) so they leave them far apart. You cannot let them touch. With a liquid electrolysis when the anode and cathode touch it is short circuit and game over.

For that matter, you can reduce electrolysis powered by a factor of a thousand or more by using a solid-state gas loaded proton conductor. This brings the anode and the cathode so close they touch, and it eliminates almost all resistance. Mizuno, Oriani and others reported some success with this technique. Input power is trivial -- less than a milliwatt, as I recall, and the output range from about half a watt to a burst large enough power to melt the ceramic proton conductor and vaporize the silver power leads. (This was probably thousands of watts or so for a few seconds.) But unfortunately, while this technique did show promise it is very difficult to do and after several years of struggle they gave up trying to improve it. They simply did not have the resources to make progress. If that avenue of research had been properly funded it might have panned out by now.

I think Biberian is still pursuing this. His biggest problem is that the anode and cathode heat up and lose contact. In other words, they do not touch, which causes a failure -- the opposite from liquid electrolysis.

- Jed

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