Michel Jullian wrote:

This makes a lot of sense, but how will the public vote between CF and Joe Newman's machine or any other fringe research in practice? Via some reality television program? (why not) And who/what will guide their choice?

The public will have to educate itself by reading newspapers, magazines and technical literature. That is the responsibility of citizens in a free society. People have to master their own technology or society may collapse. That is one of Diamond's themes in the book "Collapse." The Europeans who colonized Greenland circa 1300 did not have the wherewithal to make the iron tools they brought with them, or the navigational and shipbuilding skills to get back to their homeland often enough with goods to trade. They lost survival skills, and they perished.

People are more capable of mastering complex technical subjects that you might think. Many people still work in factories, or as mechanics, engineers, computer programmers, farmers and so on. I am always impressed by their skill and technical knowledge.

The public will vote by urging elected officials to act on behalf of cold fusion, and by voting in favor of politicians who say they will support cold fusion, and also things like hybrid automobiles, higher CAFE (automobile mileage) standards and so on.

- Jed

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