Sad, but it does illustrate very dramatically the close connection between inventive, or creative, genius and insanity. It almost "comes with the territory" with inventors who do not find immediate success (so as to afford medical attention).

To be politically correct, we can call this malady: "Mood Disorder" or "Bipolar" or some other euphemism like "Cylcothymia"

There is a list of famous names so-afflicted, but neglecting inventors in favor of artists, writers and composers - in Kay Jamison's "Touched With Fire; Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament"

I suspect that inventors are more subject to this than are artists, because art appreciation can be subjective (and the pay can be better for those with a benefactor, instead of real talent) whereas invention depends on the cold and hard facts of utility and market dynamics - where remuneration is often delayed (or stolen by others).

Jed Rothwell wrote:
This is an outrage. See:

- Jed

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