
What do you think of the Quant'homme site?

Certainly not peer reviewed (unless you are a Mec ;-) but promising and indicative of something, no?

Moving on to the "next step" in a progression towards 100 MPG, Horace suggested:

> Suppose the junk in the water were pyrolized in the water to obtain water gas (CO + H + other things) using a generator on the motor (already there in a hybrid) for arc power.

Yes. I thought of that too (applying a few kWe from the electrical system - at the tank itself) but not an arc and not "pyrolysis" per se, which requires too high a temperature -

...and there is perhaps an easier additional way to get the benefit.

> It would be possible to feed ground up wood, charcoal, vegetable oils, Algoil, garbage, all kinds of things into the fuel tank then. Anything unburned in the exhaust would be recycled by passing the exhaust through the water-fuel.

Yup, they have been doing that to some extent already. There is a possible refinement of the above: at the tank - one can use straight 12 volt AC from the alternator to do the "aqua-gen" thing - which is not simply passing current through the muck ... but doing so via the synergy of using carbon based electrodes, which are slightly consumable.

In the event of the far future - and having no oil at all, we could make the electrodes from compressed coal dust or charcoal (from biomass). The advantage of this over Fischer-Tropsch is that no extra CO2 is produced to get the H2, so carbon is maximized.

And there is one more additional thing which can be added. In the reactor tube itself - make it of porous nickel so that it would pass hydrogen but not CO2, nitrogen, or steam. To release some hydrogen from the hot exhaust, one could set up a standing wave of RF down the axis of this exhaust tube - maybe at a frequency of about 1640 Mhz which is the resonance point of the OH radical.

Some H2 gas is separated there, and passes through the tube and into the intake flow coming the other direction from the water tank. When some of the H2 interacts with recycled CO2, prior to intake, you get CO and OH and other goodies to reburn. The largest advantage of any enhanced Pantone system could be on the oxidizer side, plus the higher flame speed and mobility of a small addition of H2.

However, none of this may be needed with a highly catalytic reactor tube. I doubt that many of the mods have actually plated Pd or Pt as a catalyst. That is expensive - but hey - maybe then you also get a small LENR or hydrino effect!


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