Jones Beene wrote:

--- Nick Palmer wrote:

Whether you turn coal into syngas or methanol or
whatever, you are still desequestrating fossil

That is OK so long as it is net carbon neutral.
If you turn biomass into syngas then that solution is
carbon neutral. If you turn syngas from coal into
electricity for grid power, and then channel the
exhaust into algae ponds for biofuel, then that
solution is carbon neutral

Actually, using CO2 from burning coal to make biofuel is not carbon neutral unless the resulting biomass is never burned.


Yes, of course, we all would prefer an alternative to
carbon for transportation fuel, but you are missing
the point as to *practical* solutions which can be
implemented now.

It is far better to be carbon neutral and free of OPEC
oil than any other possible *practical* alternative.

If you think this is a good idea then you
don't understand the situation.

I would counter that if you think it is a bad idea,
then you not only do not understand the situation, but
are playing into the hands of the Big-oil-OPEC
hegemony who would love to see impractical idealistic solutions go nowhere.


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