> -----Original Message-----
> From: Edmund Storms [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 2:10 PM
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: [Vo]: OT: Poetic "N" Justice
> As usual, the debate about which race is smarter misses the important
> issue. The so called "smarts" of humans is made of different features.
> Some people are smart at music, others are good at math, some are poor
> spellers but can write well. In other words, we each have many ways we
> are smart and dumb at the same time. Each race was genetically created
> under different conditions. These conditions generated the obvious
> characteristics, but they also caused the race, on average, to be smart
> in different ways from the other races. As a result, each race had the
> kind of talent needed to survive in its own birthing environment. When a
> person moves from this environment into a different one, the smarts that
> were useful may no longer apply. As a result, the person may not look as
> "smart" to other people in the new environment. Fortunately, we all can
> learn and can make up for some of this basic deficiency. The situation
> says nothing about which race is superior. It means only that all races
> were superior in the environment that created them. We, as individuals,
> only have to make the best of this situation when our environment
> changes. We can see the consequence of this effect in the US at the
> present time, when a significant number of people support obviously bad
> policy for really dumb reasons. It would be interesting to know where
> and why these genes were created.
> Ed

Ed wrote:
< It would be interesting to know where and why these genes were created >

Capitalism tends to favour genes which are good at making money.

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