OT: Are humans evolving faster?
Howdy Philip,
You are not being paid to think. <grin>  Breeding shows in horses, dogs and 
women. Go to any dog pound, college, welfare office, local high school or 
 Hurricane Katrina provided an excellent example of the result of "selective 
breeding" strategies by thinkers. Who would have thunk it?

Philip wrote,

>There are exquisitely beautiful cave paintings in France, dating back about 
>15000 years. There are even more exquisite paintings - again in caves in 
>France - dating back 35000 years. Does this indicate that perhaps there were 
>wonderfully cultured people over 35000 years ago, and that that culture was on 
>a downward trend?  According to PD Ouspensky - a very unusual thinker - 
>evolution comes in cycles, not in an upwardly trending linear fashion.  

"Where is the evidence?" you say.  Well, it took only about 3000 years to 
almost totally bury the pyramids... And evolution - in terms of humans 
improving - depends on how you measure "improving."  

Just a thought.

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