
On Jan 27, 2008 12:25 PM, Harry Veeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Climate change 'significantly worse' than feared: Al Gore by Staff Writers
>  Davos, Switzerland (AFP) Jan 24, 2008
>  Climate change is occurring far faster than even the worst predictions of
>  the UN's Nobel Prize-winning scientific panel on climate change foresaw, Al
>  Gore warned Thursday.
>  New evidence shows "the climate crisis is significantly worse and unfolding
>  more rapidly than those on the pessimistic side of the IPCC projections had
>  warned us," the former US vice president and climate campaigner told
>  delegates at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos.
>  There are now forecasts that the North Pole ice cap may disappear entirely
>  during summer months in as little as five years, Gore said.
>  "This is a planetary emergency. There has never been anything remotely like
>  it in the entire history of human civilisation. We are putting at risk all
>  of human civilisation," he added.
>  In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a
>  report the size of three phone books on the reality and risks of climate
>  change, its fourth assessment in 18 years.
>  In October both Gore and the IPCC, comprising around 3,000 experts, jointly
>  won a Nobel prize for their roles in highlighting climate change. Gore said
>  a "little bit of progress" had been made at December's climate conference
> in
>  Bali, Indonesia.
>  He added though that there was a "big, large blank spot" in the road map
>  agreed in Bali, reserved for the United States' environmental policy once a
>  new president is elected in November and inaugurated in January.
>  He said that the single most important policy that could be implemented
>  would be a tax on carbon emissions that is applied across the whole world,
>  "so that those who don't pay the price for carbon don't have an advantage
>  over those who do."
>  "I think it is really important from a climate change point of view to move
>  away from the idea that personal actions from each of us represents the
>  solution to this crisis.
>  "These are important... but in addition to changing the light bulbs it is
>  important to change the laws," Gore said.
>  He stopped short of endorsing any US presidential candidate but said that
>  "whoever is elected will have a better position" on climate change than the
>  current administration of US President George W. Bush.
>  Gore was appearing at Davos beside Africa activist and U2 frontman Bono in
>  an effort to combine the fights against climate change and poverty.
>  "The brunt of this climate crisis is going to be felt in the developing
>  world. All your work... will be undone if you don't focus on this," Bono
>  said.
>  "It is clear that those people who have least created this climate
> crisis...
>  are the least equipped to deal with it."
>  Gore added: "I want to say to everyone who wants to solve the climate
>  crisis, they have to take Bono's agenda on extreme poverty, on fighting
>  disease and dealing with the HIV/AIDS crisis and make it an integral part
> of
>  the world's effort to solve the climate crisis."

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