As posted 6 weeks ago, March 21 is a significant date
for 'Financial Terrorism' - and exacerbating the
failing health of the US and World economies. Beware
of the belated-Ides.

"Billions of put option contracts are betting that the
stock market will crash by March 21st, signaled by the
rouge put option trades on the NASDAQ-100 index
through the Power Share (QQQQ) contracts" ....

"What we’re looking at is roughly 3 BILLION DOLLARS of
put option contacts putting pressure on the market.
This is not the only put option contracts with huge
imbalances. The entity or individual offering these
sales can only make most of this money if the market
drops 30%-40% within the next 8 weeks. If the market
does not drop, the entity or individual involved
stands to lose over $3 billion just for engaging in
these contracts!"  END

This follows on the heels of the billions which were
lost on the original "Bin Laden Trades" which were
made prior to last 9/11; and which aftermath and giant
loss went strangely silent afterwards, i.e. it was
unreported- in the media about who-lost-what.

I suppose that identities are protected in these
trades, and we only know the brokerages involved
(usually Alex Brown is playing a large role) but

... given the implications for the World economy,
where any small push could in theory cause a
"teetering giant" like the shaky US economy ... to
rapidly fall into the abyss, converting a mild
recession into possibly a real depression, this kind
of important financial information should not be

What to do? ... write your congressman ? ... in an
election year it is often easier to get things
accomplished; a phone call could be made to the proper
official at Treasury -and the truth discovered - at
least if there appears to be good publicity in it for
the candidate....

I am still of the belief that the large losses back in
September '07 were taken by parties who had inside
information (and very good credit) and enough reason
to believe that a plan was already in motion. Since it
did not happen then, that does not mean that the same
plot is not still waiting for the better timing. One
nuke from Monot is still missing, you will recall ;-(
or is it?

It is possible that this later version of Financial
Terrorism, which is set for March 21- is a follow-on
attempt by the same party from Sept (if it was not
part of the Soc Gen scandal). 

Adding to the unease is CNN announcing that "A
Political Earthquake" has just occurred as a result of
the loss and political implication of a Democrat with
zero experience (and physicist! no less, who stutters
and is not charismatic) named Foster, who won
Hastert's seat in a Special Election this weekend. 

This was the Republican's longest held seat and the
loss could trigger some kind of Machiavellian
counter-move as a desperation ploy.... (if you believe
in that kind of thing)....

Let's just hope that lost-nuke was never really lost
after all.


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