Howdy Jones,

FDR took us off the gold standard back in the 30'. LBJ " displaced" the silver coin in the 70's and Nixon removed pegging the US dollar to gold at 35 bucks, troy. Take away the underpinnings of a nation's currency and expect somebody's gonna figure out a way to sell ice to Eskimos using "snow" for money... The Dime Box Saloon financial advisory board, made up of some very astute and learned ex-bankers, ex-cons and some pretty good all around montebanks have just published their latest market analysis... quote... 50% of nothin' is nothin' when ya play poker with scared money.
You can take this wisdom to the bank.

For all the pollyana's left in the world, I don't suppose it would do to mention the gravity train with the biscuit wheels ..dun gone and run off da tracks.

Jones Beene wrote,
"Billions of put option contracts are betting that the
stock market will crash by March 21st, signaled by the
rouge put option trades on the NASDAQ-100 index
through the Power Share (QQQQ) contracts" ....

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