In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Tue, 11 Mar 2008 09:43:54 -0800:
Hi Horace,
>It sounds like you are assuming the two tori major axis planes are  
>parallel as well, both normal to the axis.  


>If the radii are small in  
>comparison to the distance between the tori, and the major axes  
>planes are parallel and normal to the axis, and there is no high mu  
>material involved, then the force just boils down to the force  
>between hoop coils at that distance.  If mu1 and mu2 are the hoop  
>coil magnetic moments, and d the separation between axis centers,  
>then the force is:
>    F = =3*mu0*mu1*mu2/(2*Pi*d^4)
>If there is no magnetic core material, i1 and i1 the currents, r1 and  
>r2 the major radii, then
>    mu1 = pi*i1*(r1)^2
>    mu2 = pi*i2*(r2)^2
>Torque depends on angle to the axis and is proportional to the 1/d^3  
>dipole field strength of the hoop current.
>Again, this all assumes d is large in relation to r1 and r2.  As  
>things get closer they change significantly, and the best way to  
>handle force and torque calculations is probably finite element  
>What is your application?  What are the dimensions involved?  Are you  
>dealing with actual toroid coils, or merely using them as mental  
>models for orbitals or other physical realities?

How very astute of you. :) I'm looking for an additional force significantly
stronger than that between two hoop coils, in order to correct my Helium model.

If I haven't made a mistake, then the normal hoop coil force would be orders of
magnitude too small, which is why I was initially considering possible
interaction forces between individual minor loops. I'm guessing (without yet
having made the effort to work it out correctly), that there would be about
1/fine_structure_constant minor loops in each "coil".

There is also the consideration that when wire is used in a real coil, there is
a positively charged lattice through which the electrons move (i.e. the metal
ions in the wire), whereas when considering a single electron as a coil, there
is no such lattice, so perhaps our laws of magnetism (which were derived from
real wires), don't apply in exactly the same way.


Robin van Spaandonk

The shrub is a plant.

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