Hello Richard,

I have no idea what's out there commercially, but here's how I would do it.
There are high power, medium pressure argon-mercury UV lamps available
commercially with quartz tube walls. One of these could be placed next to a
quartz tube through which the water is pumped. A sparge would introduce small
air bubbles into the water.  The UV in the lamp would convert the oxygen in the
air bubbles into ozone.  To achieve optimum efficiency, each tube would be
placed at the focus of an elliptical reflector. Dopants are available for such
lamps to increase the output in the desired UV wavelengths. This seems so
obvious, I imagine something like this is already available.


--- R C Macaulay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Howdy Vorts,
> As some are aware, one of our companies build water treating and wastewater
> disinfection chem feed inductors. We have depended on our industry to produce
> the remainder of the systems including the chemicals for this purpose. We are
> not chemists or physicists. We need systems that can produce quantities of
> "in situ"ozone gas at a lower cost and safer methods.
> There are new "exotics" entering the nation's water supply that we believe
> can be destroyed via ozone treatment but the existing processes for making
> ozone are both expensive and troubling.
> There are  Vorts here that have an idea on the subject that may help our
> industry. 
> Richard

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