On 28/3/2008 2:56 PM, OrionWorks wrote:

> I suspect that if anyone were to be so foolish as to conduct a seance
> and attempt to communicate with the spirit of Arthur from the Great
> Beyond all they would get back for their efforts would be disturbing
> visions of a black void filled with stern emptiness. Nobody here!
> Nothing! Zilch! Well, of course, you ninny! Arthur was an atheist.
> He's dead! And that's the way it's gong to stay.

hmm, you make an afterlife sound like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
i.e. If you don't believe in an afterlife you won't get one but if you do
believe in one you will have one, although it might be up to (your) God to
decide what *kind* of afterlife you deserve.


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