----- Original Message ----- From: "OrionWorks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Didn't someone donate a Stirling engine to the BLP cause awhile ago? I
wonder if that setup could be used to increase efficiency.

A Stirning engine pix shows up in slideshows. I don't know who owns it. Efficiency in a thermal system is ultimately a matter of temperature difference. The Stirling engine can operate with small temperature differences, like the warmth of your palm. The website shows a pix of a red-hot object, possibly a BLP solid fuel. As a boiler, that can give you superheated steam running a turbine with good Carnot effciency. I think BLP was showing the Stirling engine to show that could use low grade heat and relativly simple heat exchanger to couple the enegine to the reactor. Very ad-hoc demo, not promising for product development.

There will be many variations.

Mike Carrell

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