>From Mike Carrell:

> A standard tactic of patent examiners is deny and cite objections and force
> the applicant to overcome the objections. Objections of this type have been
> seen before. The process of overcoming them is iterative, lengthy,
> expensive, and private. It is reasonable to believe that such interaction is
> ongoing and necessary to protect investors and prospective partners. Legal
> action may follow, which would make interesting theater.
> Mike Carrell

Hi Mike,

Is the new "solid fuel" process commercially viable? The implication
over at the BLP web site has been that the new-and-improved process
has been proven experimentally to self-generate through well-known
chemical manufacturing processes. If this really is an authentic
breakthrough in how to sustain the critical regenerative process to
produce excess energy couldn't BLP & lawyers simply patent the process
that generates the excess heat and, well, sort of gloss over (at least
for now) the alleged theory behind it?

Hasn't experimental evidence always trumped what theoretical
explanation may currently be in vogue?

Steven Vincent Johnson

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