Just for the record, now that they are all running for cover and ducking the 
tough questions, those so-called enviromentalists and global warming twinkies 
who initially promoted biofuels need to be held accountable. They won't, of 
course, since they'll be responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands, if 
not millions of the world's most vulnerable people and of course, the usual 
excuse will be offered..."They did it in a good cause."


"In an interview last year, Mr. Gore expressed his SUPPORT (emphasis mine) for 
corn-based ethanol, but endorsed moving to what he called a “third generation” 
of so-called cellulosic ethanol production, which is still in laboratory 
research. “It doesn’t compete with food crops, so it doesn’t put pressure on 
food prices,” the former vice president told Popular Mechanics magazine." I'm 
sure he blathered this nonsense just before boarding that "carbon neutral" 
Gulfstream V.

It's also questionable whether the cellulosic crops will be making more fuel 
than they consume. Also they can displace areas that might be used for food 
crops. But even though many claim that the corn used for ethanol and the 
rapeseed used for biodiesel can't account for enough of the world food price 
rise, it should be perfectly clear to anyone with a rudimentary understanding 
of economics that even a small shortage of anything causes prices to rise too 
high too quickly because of speculation.

This was a dangerous idea from the start.


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