Education is important but being scholarly doesn't well correlate to being
innovative. Too many people make this mistake.

Inventors are typically lazy and eclectic. By switching off in class and not
doing prep they tend to half learn things and come up with their own
systems. It is a very male trait. Maybe this is why men have the advantage
because we are so arrogant, competitive and risk takers, the opposite of
blue stocking types. The cocksureness of the new recruit who on day one can
see how to do something better. Most are f..k.g annoying d.cks but the good
ones are an asset once you get over the personality. 

The very diligent tend to end up hyper-specialized and writing the reference
books. There is probably good correlation between elder siblings, diligence
and a more controlling type personality and the more happy-go-lucky,
rebellious younger ones.

Also the more autistic type, or single child, non city dwelling type tend to
be those people tinkering away, focused and disinterested with social play
and games.

Let's have a game of listing people:

Edison (single child)
Tesla (driven, focused, bachelor)
Einstein (probably mild autism) 
The Wright Brothers (technical knowhow)
Dirac (very intense)
But then
Feynman, Heisenberg very gregarious. (You see science doesn't only list the
cases in its favour, you must list all the data)

Please list more and list their attributes.

The point being that these people don't like meetings, call a spade a spade
(i.e. non PC, likely to get in trouble in today's climate), are independent,
skillful, resourceful, logical, proud, against the superficial. In short
your populist politico and the people they appeal to are the polar opposite.

Using science to tell lies goes against the grain of these people. Many
think man-made global warming is still a hypothesis. Sure take on board its
suggestions make provision but don't call it fact.

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