Men of the future? Balls. It seems like most men of today under 40 in the US. That's why movies like '300' resonate with men so much. We pine for the days when men were allowed to be men, expected to be men, and were admired when they were. We can feel in our bones that we are not being true to our natural instincts, our place in the food chain.

Not to jump in the way-back machine, rap a towel around my head, and forego deodorant altogether, but this is the double edged sword of the pendulum swing. In our 'enlightened' well intentioned (although highly socialistic) efforts to equalize outcome for all without conflicts of any kind, we have compromised the very socioeconomic backbone of that allows the very luxury of that largess. It is the harbinger of doom of every great society throughout history.

Remi, the talent hasn't gone. It's been surgically removed.... at home, at work, in public. To lament the outcome of our own self destructive behavior 'for the greater good' is laughable. In a foot race for survival, how much sympathy should someone get who voluntarily hits themselves in the foot with a hammer because the person next to them can't (or refuses) to run as fast? That is not 'enlightenment' that's mental illness.


From: "Remi Cornwall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Men of the future will be pathetic cowards, gagged, neutered, metro-sexual
and inadequate. Then people will start saying, "What's happened, people used to be so effective, things used to get done around here. Where's the talent
gone?" The answer:  being sued or worse.

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