Please Jeff, spare us the political propaganda. We get a belly full of this from the candidates. The point you make is trivial and irrelevant to the problem. The press is doing the job they are paid to do. They provide information that we use to make a rational decision if we are intelligent. On the other hand, if you intend to vote for a ticket no matter what is known just because it is Republican, then the press is not useful to you. In addition, any argument that I or anyone else can make will not change your mind. Therefore, a discussion of your point is a waste of time.


On Sep 24, 2008, at 8:34 PM, Jeff Fink wrote:

From: Jones Beene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Palin probably reduced the Bradley effect

BTW - although Palin was probably a positive choice for McCain, given all the demographics, it is turning out not to be anywhere near the brilliant strategy that it first seemed. He shoulda gone with Condi.

The liberal media destroyed Condi way in advance to make sure she could never become a VP. In contrast, Palin has only been a target of the press for a few weeks. Do you realize that Palin has more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined? In her brief career she has gone after corrupt politicians and won amazing victories. Who else has ever done anything like that? You can bet that some of the Washington insiders are scared.

Obama is run by the Chicago political machine. There may be a few turf battles if Obama wins, but beyond that in Washington, it will be business as usual or worse.


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