Jed Rothwell posted;

>I think Palin is a lot smarter than she comes across as. She >and some other modern politicians have developed the art >of looking like aw-shucks, awkward, common folk.

Good point. OTOH, that's how you get elected. The characterization of her as trailer trash really burns me. Sarah would fit right into our Congregation, I hope to get the chance to tell her so.

>You wouldn't think to look at them that the Bush family >are members of America's old-money, Ivy League WASP >elite -- but they are.

The Bush family is descended from the Puritan founders of America, as are Sarah Palin and I. The opposite side of the coin to a G-d fearing Puritan is the most G-d awful wolves, who have engineered the world which has happened over the past century.

>It is funny to me that people like Jeff Fink, who despite >Ivy League elites, are so fond of the Bush and McCain >types. Who do you think they are? Salt of the earth >proletariat?

Supporting the good with the bad is an integral part of a two party system. On the one hand it has given us stability, on the other hand the Wolves in human form have used it as a vehicle to advance their agenda. OTOH, George Soros is just as much of a wolf, and just as big a believer in the Progressive Agenda.

>Believe me, you don't get any more blue-blood than >these people. By an act of skillful legerdemain, the GOP >has spent the last generation passing off such people as >down-home common folk.

The Republican party is composed of three blocks, the economic imperialists, the militarists, and people of faith. I believe that Sarah Heath Palin is of the latter block.

>I liked the GOP better in the old days when they were >honest snobs

The conservative wing of the GOP is a minority. The mainstream of the party, which nominated John McCain, is today's embodiment of the ideals espoused by the John Kennedy Democrats.

>and they thought people should respect them /because/ they >were old money movers and shakers,

The aforementioned imperialist power block of the GOP are the descendants of the investment banker Herbert Walker, then (1912) president of Brown Brothers, now Brown Brothers Harriman. He bankrolled Leon Trotsky's second Russian revolution. His daughter Dorthy married Prescott Bush, they named their first born son George Herbert Walker Bush. It's known as playing both sides against the middle. I prefer the proper name, Hegelian Dielectric. Their behavior makes perfect sense when viewed through the lens of Progressive instituting of a new feudalism.

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