Jeff Fink posted

Jones Beene replied

BTW - although Palin was probably a positive choice for McCain, >given
all the demographics, it is turning out not to be anywhere near >the brilliant strategy that it first seemed. He shoulda gone with Condi.

The liberal media destroyed Condi way in advance to make sure she could never become a VP. IMHO, Condi destroyed herself by promoting the Two State solution. OTOH, she was just following orders.

Obama is run by the Chicago political machine. There may be a few turf battles if Obama wins,

Senator Obama is an empty suit. He does well when reading from a teleprompter, but listen to him speak extemporaneously some time, he shudders like Elmer Fudd. He has a Progressive (march towards feudalism) world view. IMHO, Progressive is a form of insanity.

As an constitutional Originalist however, I'm way more concerned about his appointments to the Supreme Court. Hugh Hewitt has a regular feature on his show, The Smart Guys. It features three Constitutional Law professors. Erwin Chemarinski, Dean of (senior moment) Law School, he regularly argues cases for (the accursed) ACLU. He makes my blood boil, If I ever die of a burst aneurysm, it will be while listening to his arguments. He would be just the sort of legal scholar that President (G-d help us) Obama would appoint to the Supreme Court.

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