>From  Remi Cornwall:
> Theeeeey're baaaaaaack part II.
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7634641.stm
> Yes, yes, yes the megaphone of public office. Most of what they say is true.
> But guys, that's some fine silk you're wearing and you don't really need a
> cathedral to preach from as Christ did it in the open air. The land capital
> of the Anglicans is legendary.
> Oh and I don't care if two (three, four, whatever) guys, sheep, cat and dogs
> get married in the privacy of their own homes.
> Oh and tell you RC friends to stop fiddling with little boys too.
> Looks like the good ol' feudal day of church and state are back this time
> they've got G.d, the poor, the environment and maybe a little bit of veggie
> fascism thrown in and male bashing too.
> I'm just waiting for these guys to do some miracles, ol' Semtex Sentamu to
> turn that staff into a lightsabre and deflect laser beams and then 'yoda'
> Williams to use the force and levitate things.
> My advice - don't buy it.
> Let the market correct itself and then some light obvious regulation:
> No more interest only mortgages
> More deposits up front with mortgages
> More transparency (short selling would work then - move money from over
> inflated businesses to more deserving, wealth redistribution)
> Separate high street banks from investment and insurance
> Crisis what bloody crisis?
> The public is the tit being milked right or is that the golden goose?

I see you're back. Why am I not surprised. According to a recent
proclamation you stated:

> SUBJECT: RE: [Vo]:"Here comes $500 oi
> SENT: Tue 9/23/2008 5:42 AM
> Tsck! Vegan f.ing cats.
> What about in a zoo? Vegan f.ing lions and tigers!?
> Non-competitive sport, decaffeinated coffee, alcohol
> free beer, non-penetrative sex (so the woman doesn't
> feel stabbed in the feminist sense), new men,
> 'obscene wealth' and on and on.
> I can't be bothered to argue with these lefty nutcases
> anymore. I love the American notion of the right to bear
> arms and form militias to depose a despotic regime.
> Lefties must learn that you can't force people; the
> victims will hide wealth and talent and then disappear.
> I won't be forced to take part in these nutball schemes.
> I guess that's why there is such a large expat community
> from Britain and Europe in general.
> Sickened and out of here.
> Not like vortex of the old days. No calibre of thinkers
> only 2 other righties and 2 right-of-centre people worth
> noticing on this list.
> 'unsubscribe'

You appear to have stated there are few thinkers of any caliber worth
having a discussion with on Vortex. You then state you're "out of
here", and end the threat with an unsuccessful attempt at
unsubscribing yourself.

But of course here you are again, back with more Cornwall philosophy.

What need does Vortex supply you with that appears to force you
continue to subjecting yourself to its low standards?

Have we become an addiction?

Steven Vincent Johnson

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