Tell me, what color is the sky in this fantasy land you live in?  Or
is it just too many drugs taken at once?

On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 3:31 PM, Remi Cornwall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can't argue with that.
> I just want to know why when GOP representatives are on TV that they don't
> give more history about how this mess came about.
> Say it loud, say it proud,
> the democrats vetoed reform in 2003
> and took money from lobbyists.
> They are like tamed pigs in the trough.
> In everything they say replace "free market" or "corporation" with Jew
> and government with Reich
> and the braying, stirred-up public as the dupes at a Nuremberg rally
> and see the parallels.
> They instigated this crisis. They now want to scapegoat.
> There is a leftwing conspiracy and non-Americans have to go routing around
> for the truth. The news is all one-sided. It's the usual US bashing,
> ungrateful, bailed out children carping at the grown-ups. Bite the hand that
> feeds.
> Goodnight. Sleep well.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Fink [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Right now we have inflation running at approximately 10% annual rate and
> savings accounts paying around 1 1/2% for a net loss of 8 1/2%.  On top of
> that we must pay income tax on the 1 1/2%.  Part of Obama's plan to balance
> the budget is to subject that 1 1/2% to social security payments as well!
> It is part of his plan to redistribute the wealth.  Inflation is a tax, and
> it loots the savers.  The stock market is too scary to mess with.  I-bonds
> are paying 0% interest right now, but even at that, they might be the best
> investment out there.
> The majority of people endeavor to conduct their lives in such a manner so
> as not to be a burden to others.  They are the targets of this
> redistribution.  Some poor people seek jobs while others milk the system.
> If the job creators are plundered by the government, where will the jobs
> come from?  When the haves are reduced to havenots, we will all be losers.
> We cannot advance the economy by punishing the hard working successful.
> Jeff

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