On Oct 11, 2008, at 3:13 AM, Michel Jullian wrote:

So you would predict polar jets from black holes without accretions
disks, i.e. without a convenient source of matter. Well, maybe.

Yes, maybe, but if my theory is correct then definitely. Also, conversely, if not true then my theory is wrong. Unfortunately this is another case where absence of proof is not proof of absence (of the existence of such isolated black holes of sufficient mass to support jets.) There is also the problem that the jets from an *ordinary* mass black hole, being made of mirror matter, can not be seen unless there is enough ordinary matter in the vicinity to be illuminated by the jets via the low mirror matter coupling constant. OTOH, a negative mass mirror matter black hole of sufficient (absolute) mass will issue ordinary matter jets, but can't be expected to be found in our vicinity due to its negative mass, and thus highly repulsive characteristic which likely assures it long accelerated away from here.

I wrote: " ... (1) black holes of a sufficient mass create mirror mater with negative gravitational charge, dark matter, from the vacuum and eject it with a velocity (spectrum) characteristic of the mass of the black hole and the distance from the black hole that mass is created (a range of such distances thus providing a velocity spectrum) ...". To be more clear about that, the "distance from the black hole" is very small, and well within the Swartzchild radius, and actually should have been specified as the "distance to the center of the black hole" . This distance can very small due to the requirement for the gravitational field there to be strong enough to separate charged particle pairs created by vacuum fluctuations. This process then accelerates the particles having mass charge of sign opposed to that of the black hole away from the black hole. Since such particles are created *inside* the Swartzchild radius, their velocity at some distance from the black hole should be close to c, and the mass very large, even if the source particles were mere electrons or positrons. This is due to the fact that the same mass charge matter escape velocity for radii inside the Swartzchild radius is greater than c. Opposed mass charge matter has a potential energy equivalent to the gravitationally imparted kinetic energy of same mass particles at any given radius. This is complicated by the fact there is enough energy in the beam to create both negative and positive mass charge particles via collisions in the beam, and thus a reverse flux back into the black hole that slows the beam and illuminates it. (I think.)

BTW, I have found a (possibly plausible?) reason why matter falling
from the internal edge of the accretion disk, missed and
slingshot-accelerated by the BH, would form near light speed velocity
polar beams: the part of that matter ejected beyond a certain angle
from the polar directions, and-or with insufficient velocity, would
fall back onto the massive and dense accretion disk because of
insufficient vertical component of the ejection velocity.


It seems to me this reasoning, that the velocity would be near c, within the GR framework, applies to the initial (low radius) speed of any particles, both those in the beam that escape and those that don't manage to escape. In all cases the initial speed will be near c for any particles that are initially located near the Swartzchild radius, both normal and slingshot accelerated. However, the particles that escape carry the *difference* in energy corresponding to the differences in distance from the black hole. Therefore, the energy spectrum for escaped particles should be very broad in this model, and not necessarily or even probably bunched near c, due to the large energy loss climbing away from the black hole (because the escape velocity near the Swartzchild surface is near c) and due to the thermalization of such particles due to their interaction near the black hole.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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