Okay, people, let's have a serious discussion of this. The election is just
around the corner, and we should have the letter ready on day one, as the
politicians say. Let's hear some suggestions -- wording, goals, people we
should send it to, etc.

I want to make it clear that I am not proposing this be an exclusive
approach to the new administration. I hope that many other cold fusion
researchers and supporters also try to make contact with the new admin. The
more approaches we make, the more likely it is that one will get through. Ed
Storms told me that other people are approaching Obama's people quietly. I
am sure the Navy people are getting ready to make their case. That's fine. I
am not proposing they stop, or combine forces with others on this letter, or
that all CF researchers should agree on what is needed. But we do many
things in parallel. The Navy people can contact the higher-ups in their
organization while at the same time they sign a letter with other people
outside the Navy.

The one thing I would suggest is that we should not have two simultaneous
campaigns to publish open letters by many CF researchers. That would confuse

I propose to put it on its own HTML page at LENR-CANR. I wil keep the list
of signatures current, if people start to respond. Steve Krivit and others
can periodically copy the text, or just point to the HTML page, whichever
they prefer.

I think the letter should have the following characteristics:

It should be very short. It should get right to the point, and be

It should be non-technical. There is plenty of technical information
available at LENR-CANR for those who want to learn more.

It should make only a few points: that cold fusion is real and it may be
able to solve the energy crisis. It should include nothing about the
controversy, history, calorimetry, theory, present state of the art,
reproducibility, or anything else. Again, such details are available for
those who want them.

It should make one or two specific recommendations: $5 or $10 million in
government funding per year (or whatever dollar amount we agree on). No
specifics about who gets the money or what they do with it.

It should be signed by as many people as we can muster, especially people
with impressive sounding titles.

- Jed

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