OrionWorks wrote:

Hello again, Thomas,

Oh, THAT Bob Dean. Yes, I've heard of him. Many times. (Must have been
a senior moment.)

Bob Dean obviously has an interesting story to tell. I do not feel it
appropriate of me to cast judgment pro or con or evaluate the veracity

He's seeing the same world that I am, viewed through the lenses of a New Age Spirituality.

Thomas, it seems to me that you're pretty sure you know what's going
in the heavenly firmaments above our terrestrial skies. That always

I've made the decision to view the world from a Fundamentalist Christian perspective. I twist all facts to fit with that paradigm. What doesn't fit, I ignore.

If I were an extraterrestrial and I was interested in visiting Earth
for the purpose of cultural exchanges and other what-nots it would

You're making the assumption that the Space Brothers are good and decent entities. 10 days ago our assistant Rabbi did the Parashas (Torah Study) portion of the service on Genesis 6. There were daughters who were born to the men, and the Son's of G-d took the ones they wanted for wives. The resulting children were the Nephilim. The book of Enoch describes them as depraved cannibals.

I remember the first time I heard about them, it's odd the way their skeletons disappear from public view. This is another example of the Oligarchy promoting it's agenda.

While the flood put a damper on their activities, it's clear to me that they're still around. They have lost their physical prowess, but not their cunning. C to C AM has reports of women who say that they have been impregnated by them. You will notice that Dean describes them as becoming progressively more human.

If an S B reveals himself to me, I'd ask him if R Yeshua (Jesus) came in the flesh. The ones who don't acknowledge that are from the dark side.

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