Hi Robin,

> What's the real difference between your transmuton and Hydrinohydride?

Well - first off it is not 'mine', but a composite of various conceptions, 
including yours, pieces borrowed from Mills, Horace and others - which have 
been floating around for some time in various guises. In fact, it is evolving 
still, and I will try to make full atrribution once it becomes vetted (unless 
it is abandoned first).

I see this particle's formation as been related to "pressure over time" in a 
statistical sense - with no "hole" required, and no energy release. Probably it 
is endothermic and not an exothermic in the foramtive stage. Therefore it is 
not Millsean except in the values of electron displacement and the reliance on 
the Hartree energy.

Pressure can be externally supplied by gravity and possibly the Casimir 
(correction- perhaps not the Casimir force per se, but more likely a correlate 
that operates at a lower hierarchy of aether- aka Grimer's gamma-aether). 

It could be that there are a number of DIFFERENT routes to attaining this 
state, of which the Mills hydrino is but one. 

> Consider also that a Hydrino molecule would also nicely "fill the bill",
supplying the required 2 protons in one hit, and being essentially neutral such
as to possibly allow it to penetrate the electron shells of the Fe, much as
would a neutron. 

Yes. My composite version (of an agent for transmutation) was never intended to 
be seen as either/or. 

Despite Occham, there could be several things going on - in addition to 
"mainstream" physics reactions, once there is enough energy built-up at the 
moment of impact in what must have been a massive catastrophe, which affected 
earth as an extinction event. 

However, I think that the massive transmutation which is evidenced today in the 
'nickel anomaly' in these meteorites - definitely did follow from a direct 
celestial impact, and was NOT some kind of inherent instability nor is it based 
on a stratification of 4.5 billion year-old nickel- as is one of the new 
mainstream rationalizaiotns.


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