On Dec 15, 2008, at 12:36 PM, mix...@bigpond.com wrote:

Considerable energy release doesn't necessarily result in radioactivity. As you
so astutely point out Fe56 + 2P = Ni58, which is stable.

Under conventional theories, making Ni58 from Fe56 requires substantial energy to supply the extra mass. This is on the downward sloping side of the curve of binding energy. Consider:

Mass of particles
(in AMU)

 55.934939 Fe56
  1.007825 p
  1.007825 p
-57.935346 Ni58

The energy deficit is therefore (0.015243 AMU)* (931.5 MeV/(AMU/c^2) = 1.4198 MeV/c^3. However, this is no problem for a deflated hydrogen reaction, as a energy deficit naturally occurs anyway in the wave function collapse, and the zero point field makes up the difference in expanding the deflated electron. The problem is setting up conditions for this to occur. An explosion is not the right condition because the deflated state exists for too short an interval to have any effect in ordinary high energy collisions. However, given billions of years, adsorbed hydrogen should be able to work this kind of transmutation until essentially no hydrogen is available.

It is notable that Cosmic rays are a significant source of protons, so the hydrogen can never be totally exhausted, and the cosmic rays carry much more than the 1.5 MeV (or 2 * 0.75 MeV) needed to pull off this kind of reaction directly. A bigger problem might be explaining why the transmutation process essentially stops with Ni58.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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