Howdy Vorts,
Interesting views comijng forward on this subject such as...

This is a problem, in fact, with all kinds of debt-based(interest
yields) currencies. The illusion of endless growth reveals itself as
what really is.
Technically in these cases, the economy return to the fundamentals(that
are not bad, certainly) very quickly also.

From reading the posts, it appears there is a division between those that
view the economy in a temporary recession vs those that view it as a coming depression. Little has been expressing regarding a third view.. comparing the collapse of the economy to the collapse of the Roman Empire. This view cannot be accepted by the mainstream because it harbors doom and gloom that nobody wants to consider because the imagination leads to the horror component.

Historical events are rampant with "preludes" like opera music.
Richard's view.. either we are listening to the next and final prelude.. or.. the fat lady is fixin' to sing at the Roman opera house. What to do about it other than wet yur pants?? Do what the survivors of the collapse of Rome did.. They started coining their own money. Richard

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