On Jan 8, 2009, at 12:43 PM, Jones Beene wrote:


Considering that the mass release of hydrinos into the environment is
totally unknown, it's my bet that you will see hot fusion before you
see a hydrino powered generator go online.

If they exist at all, and if they can exist as extended-lifetime particles, they will be extraordinarily valuable and would be collected at all cost- never released. Mills could probably give the power away *free* and make a tidy profit on any deeply redundant hydrinos he produces.

I take it by "redundant" you mean in a fractional orbital state, i.e. a reduced orbital size state. Hydrogen in a highly reduced size orbital state would be very difficult to collect because it would either diffuse through any container, or possibly react with the nuclei if the orbital size is sufficiently reduced.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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