--- On Thu, 2/5/09, OrionWorks <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From: OrionWorks <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:well, steorn have launched
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> Date: Thursday, February 5, 2009, 4:26 PM
> OrionWorks sez:
> > BTW, this claim strikes me as possibly explaining the
> weird
> > SPRAIN anomaly.
Can you elaborate what that is?
 Even stranger, I gather no one has
> been able
> > to successfully replicate the effect.
> Oops! Too many junior senior moments. I did not mean to
> associate
> "SPRAIN" with this anomaly. I meant the magnetic
> configuration
> reported by user: "Alset Ialokin" (Nicolai Tesla
> spelled backwards). I
> assume there are still plenty of You-Tube videos showing
> the effect.
Time variant circuits are most mysterious and a new sort of research for me 
towards the new year. I can't readily cite references here, but that is nothing 
new, since this field seems to be wide open. But at least I could begin to 
describe several variations of their behavior. Over the years I have done 
research with large air core inductors in the 60 Henry range, but it has not 
been until recently that these were re-aquired after a series of robberies of 
my assets, some during my incarceration; whereby  this in itself secured my 
early release. During the fall I visited Essex wire near Fort Wayne, Indiana 
and obtained some 40 miles of 23 gauge wire, which is now all rewound onto both 
12 lb and 70 lb spools. I wonder how luck could have things in retrospect, as 
the 12 lb spools happened to be the almost exact value needed for a power 
factor correction circuit I was working on near 500 hz, which is to be returned 
to. Prior to this however  was the
 discovery of a form of ferromagnetic resonance, which I  had always discounted 
as a serious possibility, from past researches of the idea. What we speak of 
here is the vast differences between the theoretical Q factor and the acting 
one in real circuit operation. In this regard I have seldom found circuits that 
do obey the predictions made by Thompsons resonance formula, and this is 
especially true with ferromagnetic circuits. So I was quite amazed to find such 
an example at alternator frequencies near the margin of sensible operation 
under 500 hz. However the sought after effect seems to have taken a different 
form from how the results might typically display themselves. What I found was 
that certain imponderables exist, and it should be better to mull things over 
for a time before commenting on the subject, as it should be studied 
extensively first before voicing comment on the matter.
So I was actually quite amazed to find an artifact of ferromagnetic resonance, 
and then began the second document seeking to explain the effects, which to say 
the least are mind boggling. What would seem to be indicated by scopings and 
mental introspection of the subject is that while it may be quite illogical to 
suggest that three opposite voltages are possible in time, during a certain 
portion of the time of three separated cycles referenced at 120 degrees, the 
evidence suggests that time itself may be manipulated to appear as three 
opposites, but at a reduced level compared to the two stronger waves, and only 
at a certain time period within the total cycle itself. It is not a "true" 50% 
expansion of time as we measure it. In addition to this are the usual 
misunderstandings encountered with measuring instruments changing the 
observation: and hopefully the learning of why this occurs. As I have sworn at 
the oscilloscope years ago; YOU ARE THE INSTRUMENT
There are profound scoping idiosyncrasies that can appear where we find that 
the "supposedly" profound effect that we are measuring was itself due to how we 
connect the oscilloscope, and whether it is grounded, and let me tell you the 
whole issue has me pissed off, as I don't like chasing a wild goose for ten 
years. In fact after re-aquisition of assets I attempted to replicate results 
during the early 2000 years, where I had discovered the ferrite incandescent 
effect via alternator resonant circuits. Prior to this discovery I had noticed 
more feeble effects of ferrite heating and the concurrent "radio waves" given 
off, even when the ferrite had small DC voltages across it when employed as 
spacers on a primitive electrolysis cell. The remarkable thing there was the 
fact that the radio waves are amplified by the water, and the spiralled 
receptor coil has a water/ glass barrier. So I was somewhat miffed to find that 
when the ferrite heating effect was
 repeated years later after costly replenishments, the same style coil receptor 
recorded no radio waves! So then I remembered that when things first began I 
had recorded these radio waves from neon discharges also, and that I had 
actually used ferrite to ballast neon discharges, and when this was repeated 
using the first 12 lb coils at 60 hz, still no radio waves. Eventually the 
circumstance led to a reconstruction of the effects, where a 4 inch neon 
discharge is passed through a 4 X 6 X 1 ferrite magnet, via use of the 12 lb 
coils at alternator frequencies. The spiralled coil receptor coil is sandwiched 
between the magnet and the small neon and records a high frequency. I even sent 
a jpeg of this to VTA list and argued awhile with their resident expert, Mike 
Furness. So I went to show this to my friend who had coached me on scoping.

When I was going through old garage things to throw away, I laughed when I 
found a book called "Fishing for Dummies", especially cause I should probably 
read it, as I am not a fisherman. But as this sequel will indicate, I am pissed 
off that someone has not written a similar book, which should be called 
"Scoping for Dummies". In fact perhaps I should write that book as the possible 
next circumstance will show. After I had shown my friend the circuit he asked 
me how the scope was hooked up, and it was a three prong plug grounded input. 
He said "Lets try this with a two prong plug giving an isolated ground to the 
scope." When this was done nothing happened,no high frequency scope forms or 
even the neon discharge itself from the same resonant circuit supply. SO in 
conclusion the measuring instrument itself is enabling the remarkable 
observation. In fact we may be showing someone a conclusion where the magnetic 
field of a powerful ferrite magnet is vibrating
 at a high frequency from my esteemed mechanism, however in actuality the only 
thing vibrating is the scope circuitry itself! I don't really know if I believe 
such an incredible thing yet, but it shows clues to the use of the ground. In 
the cited case it seems reasonable to assume that since the alternator voltage 
rise circuit is not specifically grounded anywhere, the ground might be sought 
through the grounded oscilloscope. These are confusing issues, but more is to 
    In Chapter Two of "Scoping for Dummies" I would first present the next 
seemingly impossible scenario, and the nightmare that ensues when things are 
attempted to be scoped out. I have resurrected this 60 hz resonant circuit 
again for further reference. It consists of a 60 hz air core transformer using 
the 12 lb coils. The secondary lights a bathroom nightlight with excess voltage 
then the input primary as I recall, meaning it receives more power through the 
1 inch air gap between coils then if directly line connected to the primaries 
source. Some may consider this a remarkable claim, but nevertheless we have a 
voltage across the secondaries bulb, and a line voltage across the primary. 
According to training we assume that for these perfect circumstances the 
induced voltage across the bulb will be 90 degrees out of phase with the 
primary. Thus we have four points of voltage reference points, and four ways to 
make a relative voltage measurement between
 the voltage input points of both the primary and the secondary. The 
conventional thinking is that the voltage differences between these points of 
reference are both its amplitude and position in time of its cycle, which for 
this case seems obvious that all these voltage meters between all four points 
should show a net difference. Ha, now I am laughing a bit about this because as 
I recall all four of these meters show net differences near zero volts, which 
should be impossible, but there is a way out of the conundrum, but if you use a 
scope you will soon truly be confused. I don't know all the fine points here, 
so I should get to the point and leave the above for a different thread. 
     Resonant circuits do not always seemingly instantaneously come to 
resonance, but may slowly do so. They may also cycle back and forth when one 
resonant circuit is spatially interphased with another. In the phenomenon of 
ferromagnetic resonance through a high voltage transformer the load of a 
certain capacity may resonate with both the transformer and the stator windings 
in series at the negotiated frequency, with the net effect that both the 
ordinary voltage and output amperages available from the source are exceeded, 
contradicting the premises of the maximum energy transfer theorem, as they call 
it. When this effect was noted from a single of three phases from the 
alternator, it was also noted that an adjacent unloaded phase had a similar 
voltage rise: and when also exploited by addition of its identically resonant 
capacity, a peculiar thing was noted upon turn on of the alternator rotation, 
or instantaneous addition of the circuit while in
 rotation. Apparently the laws of supply and demand come into play as the 
second resonance very slowly approaches its final conduction values. The use of 
the ground can again be suggested.
The 70 lb spools have not yet been employed at 60 hz resonance, and an old 
question posed itself. How many cycles does it take for the larger coils to 
assume their complete voltage rise? Formerly 80 lb coils had a q of 15 @ 60 hz. 
If a 4 inch neon was placed across the  coil voltage rise the neon actually 
blinked quite slowly. However if the neon was instead grounded from the voltage 
rise midpoint of the series resonant circuit, it would blink rapidly at the 
earths resonant frequency. If the coils were instead powered by a isolated 
variac, a steady non blinking neon discharge to earth was obtained.
Sincerely Yevrah Sirron 

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