Michel Jullian wrote:

The results look too good to be true

These people do excellent work. Melich and I have a high opinion of them.
These results are not "too good" at all; they are in line with Roulette,
Fleischmann and Pons' high heat results.

. . . if excess heat of this magnitude
> had been reproducible since 1998 the fight for recognition  of CF
> would have been won ten yrs ago obviously.

Not at all. For one thing, these results are buried. As I said, you can't
get to them. I cannot upload them, and they are not available elsewhere on
the web as far as I know. So no one outside of the field knows they exist.
(Most researchers I know are well aware of them.)

For another thing, excess heat and tritium have been irrefutably persuasive
since 1991. See Gerischer. Opposition to cold fusion for the last 18 years
has been unfounded, irrational and unscientific.

> Regarding notation, with all the papers you've been editing I just
> can't believe you can be so unit-challenged!

I am a programmer. We do things by strict rules. There is a huge different
between parenthesis and a forward slash mark.

I do not recall seeing another paper with this notation.

Anyway, I figured it out.

- Jed

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