You are proposing more than downshifting. You are proposing the 24 MeV is 
converted instantly to a large collection of photons by some process. What is 
this process? ?Why does the photon energy reside in the RF band and not in the 
optical or X-ray regions? ?In addition, energetic particles are in fact 
observed. Why?

Good question.? It is a fundamantal one.? The frequency of an emitted photon is 
much lower than the orbital
frequency of the orbiting election.?How is the orbital energy transferred to 
many?photons.? ?This is a central 
quantum mystery.? It has been?glossed over for 100 years?by?the correspondence 

My use of a transition velocity c/2alpha has shown that the frequency of the 
photon is that of the transtional quantum state.? This state has a frequency 
and dimeninsion associated with it.

The analysis of the frequency of photon emission can be applied to macroscopic 
bodies.? The wavelength
can be adjusted by setting the size of the quantum emitter.? Since you cant 
read the paper, Ed, none of
this will make any sence for now.? We will just have to wait until september 
when the paper comes out.


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