On Jul 9, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

One comment on The Letter to the Editor from John Sutherland - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

It raises a point that should be clarified. He may be unaware that we can tolerate mention of Randell Mills or Blacklight Power here.

Actually, "welcome mention" might apply, since it is so very much on list topic.

Which is to say that when 4He is measured as the ash from LENR, and this has been assumed to be real helium, it could instead consist of one molecule of ”two fractional hydrogen isotopes” - better known as the Mills hydrino, or more specifically the Mills’ “di- deuterino.”

Back circa 1994, if memory serves, Mills mentioned this possibility in Fusion Technology.

The ionization potential for the “di-deuterino” would be extremely high according to Mills, in the case of deep redundancy – and essentially there is little way they could ever be distinguished from helium except for the small mass difference which we have talked about here before - and which has actually shown up in very sophisticated Mass Spec charts before, as that small blip.

This makes no sense to me Jones. Mass Spectrometers work on ionized species. There would thus have to exist a reduced energy orbital for a D2+ dideuterino species. Further, even if such a species exists, to the degree no He is present, no mass 4 He++ species will show up in the mass spectrograph. This would be a very evident feature of the mass spectrograph. If you fully ionize a dideuterino, if that is readily feasible, since it ostensibly takes around 70 eV , then you still get mass 2 deuterium nuclei, not a mass 4 He nucleus. To the extent you don't ionize dideuterionss, then they remain neutral, and thus not in the mass spectrograph, or show up as mass 4 singly charged species. Any in-between condition, i.e. a mixture of species, would still show up as mass spectrograph which would be mysterious or anomalous without a hydrino explanation, and thus to most CF researchers that did He mass spec. , other than possibly Mills' staff.

It may be of use to look at US Patent 6,024,935, which discusses much about dihydrino isolation and mass spec. , and which also makes no sense to me for the same reasons. Maybe I'm just missing something obvious. I didn't take much time to look at it.

I recall posting the reference to that chart, years ago, to vortex, and if memory serves it was done at Frascatti but I cannot find the reference now.


Following is the beginning of a fairly long old thread, "Mass Spec. question", which may be of interest.

On Dec 2, 2002, at 11:56 AM, Jones Beene wrote:
Here is a question for Ed Storms or anyone else who has done mass spectrometry on ash from a cold fusion cell. My apology if this question has been answered previously. I remember it having been brought up in the past, but couldn't find a satisfactory direct answer in searching the vortex archives or on LENR-CANR.

Question: Have experimenters absolutely eliminated the possibility that the 4He atom that is found in CF cells, and is usually identified through mass spectrometry - and is offered as evidence of D+D fusion - could not instead be a tightly bound "below ground state" deuterium pair, a.k.a. the di-deuterino molecule?

According to Mills, the first ionization energy of the dihydrino molecule is 62.27 eV and IP2 is 65.39 eV which, of course, are far higher than D2 and higher than Helium, but IP2 is fairly close. The mass of a di-deuterino molecule would be somewhere between 4He= 4.0026 amu and that of the deuteron molecular mass of 4.0280 amu, but exactly where is not clear.

AFAIK, Mills doesn't specify that a di-deuterino ionization energy would be any different than a di-hydrino, but then again, he seldom mentions "below ground state" deuterium at all. I suspect that lack of mention is for reasons that relate to protecting his intellectual property.

I know Ed has proposed that the lack of O2 buildup in his closed cells is indicative of no deuterinos, and that is a good argument that would have to be answered by anyone wishing to equate Mills work with cold fusion - but this question relates *only* to mass spectrometry results and whether or not the putative di-deuterino has been eliminated.


Jones Beene

On Dec 2, 2002, at 12:01 PM, Edmund Storms wrote:

Most mass spectrometers used to detect He are able to
distinguish between He and D2.  In addition, the D2 is
removed chemically from the gas.  We would have to assume
that the di-deuterino molecule was not chemically active
so that it remained in the gas and was mistaken for He.
In addition, we would have to assume this molecule can be
ionized to the +1 ion by 70 eV electron bombardment.
  According to Mills, the first ionization energy of the
dihydrino molecule is 62.27 eV and IP2 is 65.39 eV which,
of course, are far higher than D2 and higher than Helium,
but IP2 is fairly close.  The mass of a di-deuterino
molecule would be somewhere between 4He= 4.0026 amu and
that of the  deuteron molecular mass of 4.0280 amu, but
exactly where is not clear.

I do not understand this argument.  The energy of the
electrons is not converted to mass, so it would not show
up as a mass change between normal D2 and a di-deuterino

  AFAIK, Mills doesn't specify that a di-deuterino
ionization energy would be any different than a
di-hydrino, but then again, he seldom mentions "below
ground state" deuterium at all. I suspect that lack of
mention is for reasons that relate to protecting his
intellectual property.

I suspect he never uses D2, so this issue never comes up.
If he used D2 he might find nuclear products, which would
put him in the LENR field, something he tries to avoid.
  I know Ed has proposed that the lack of O2 buildup in
his closed cells is indicative of no deuterinos, and that
is a good argument that would have to be answered by
anyone wishing to equate Mills work with cold fusion - but
this question relates *only* to mass spectrometry results
and whether or not the putative di-deuterino has been

I think it has been eliminated.  In addition, the amount
of energy measured during He production equals about 23
MeV/He atom, in contrast to the much lower energy required
of deuterino formation.


On Dec 2, 2002, at 1:23 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
Hi Ed,
Most mass spectrometers used to detect He are able to distinguish between He and D2. In addition, the D2 is removed chemically from the gas.

Yes. But this wouldn't be relevant to deuterinos, which presumably have very different properties

We would have to assume that the di-deuterino molecule was not chemically active so that it remained in the gas and was mistaken for He.

That is exactly the argument that might exist in principle. Mills believes that the hydrino molecule is chemically inert.

In addition, we would have to assume this molecule can be ionized to the +1 ion by 70 eV electron bombardment.

  This is getting to the crux of the issue...

According to Mills, the first ionization energy of the dihydrino molecule is 62.27 eV and therefore to completely ionize the molecule so that your spectrometer reading was showing something closer to mass ~2 rather than mass ~4, it would require considerably more than a 70 eV electron bombardment - more like 135 eV.

Yet, If I understand your response, you are saying that you believe that despite this extremely high ionization potential of the deuterino molecule (giving Mills the benefit of the doubt), you believe that most mass spectrometers would still be able to accurately pick up the minute difference between 4.0026 and 4.0280 amu, is that correct?



The thread then digresses into discussion of electron energy levels, and I show the final post in the thread being:

On Dec 14, 2002, at 10:51 PM, Horace Heffner wrote:
At 9:06 AM 12/15/2, Robin van Spaandonk wrote:

This doesn't appear to be a problem for the electrons in the inner
orbitals of the higher elements.

I think none of the conventional inner orbitals violates Heisenberg. If they did, Heisenberg would have been struck down long ago. The energy
levels are or at least can be very high.  The 29th ionization level of
copper, for example, is 11.567 keV. The 28th ionization level of Ni is 10.775 keV. But that is neither here or there, as both models are in synch with regard to Heisenberg when n=1. (After all, if n=1, then no fractional
state is involved.)

Looking at the situation again from a simple (hopefully not too simple?) perspective, the kinetic energy K of an electron in Bohr orbit radius r is
given by:

   K = q^2/((8Pi)(e0)(r)) = (1/2)(m)(v^2)

So speed v is:

   v = (q^2/((4pi)(e0)(r)(m))^0.5

and momentum is thus ~ 1/r:

   p = mv = ((m)(q^2)/(4(pi)e0(r))^0.5

Given that the radius is quantized to:

   r = (n^2) ((h^2)(e0))/((pi)(q^2)(m)),  for n = 1,2,3, ...
(or in Mills' case: n = 1/2, 1/3, ...)
we have:

   v = [q^2/(2(e0)(h))]  (1/n) = [q^2/(2(e0)(h)(n))]

instead of the Mills valocity:

   v = [q^2/(2(e0)(h))]  1/(n^0.5),  for n = 1/2,1/3,1/4, ...

Uncertainty of momentum (delta mv) for a particle (electron) constrained by
distance delta x is given by Heisenberg as:

   delta mv = h/(2 Pi delta x)

but 2r acts as our delta x because the electron is contained within the
orbitsphere, so we have (substituting 2r for delta x in the above):

   delta mv = h/(2 Pi [ 2 (n^2) ((h^2)(e0))/((pi)(q^2)(m)) ] )

   delta mv = [h (q^2)(m)] / [4 (n^2)(h^2)(e0)]

   delta mv = (q^2)(m) / [4 (n^2)(h)(e0)]

and an uncertainty in velocity delta v:

   delta v = (q^2) / (4 (n^2)(h)(e0))

So now the question is how does delta v compare to v? That is to say is the uncertainty on v small in comparison to v? To see, let's look at the

   (delta v)/v = [ (q^2) / (4 (n^2)(h)(e0)) ] / [q^2/(2(e0)(h)(n))]

   (delta v)/v = [(2)(e0)(h)(n)] / [(4)(n^2)(h)(e0)]

   (delta v)/v = [(2)(n)] / [4 (n^2)]

   (delta v)/v = 1 / (2n)

However, with normal (non-Mills) orbitals, n is a whole number, so deltav
remains small with respect to v.  There is not the large imbalance I
pointed out in the earlier post of mine which is the subject of discussion here, which occurs because (1) n is a fraction, and (2) the exponents in
the Mills equations differ such that as n goes to increasingly lower
values, i.e. n = 1/x as x gets large, we have

   delta v = (1/2) (x^0.5) v

for Mill's, and the resulting energy gets way out of whack in states other
than n=1.

The above relations for K, v, p remain valid for inner electons in the Bohr or Mills model (ignoring relativisitc effects)1, With n = 1 in these inner states, it appears r is valid for either model, thus either model works fine for the innner electrons. Neither then violates Heisenberg. It is only the hypothesized (by Mills) fractional quantum states that violate
Heisenberg.  At least that's the way it appears to me.


Horace Heffner

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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