I wrote: "So, in the absence of a continuous catalytic process of some kind, one which provides energy from some source other than dropping to the fractional state (e.g. from ZPE expansion of the orbital), the two processes should be readily sorted out by energy production alone, without the use of mass spectrometry."

To clarify, "continuous catalytic process" above means one which continuously recycles the hydrogen.

I also wrote: "This does admittedly require the assumption that the full measure of 23.9 MeV per He atom created is obtained. This measure of energy production is not guaranteed at all under various theories, including deflation fusion, which predicts the energy obtained in a given reaction to be sampled from a random distribution with 23.9 MeV to be a maximal and therefore improbable amount, the mean being much lower."

The above is meant to address studies which showed a close approximation of heat/reaction = 23.9 MeV/He atom and in which mass spec. was performed. I don't mean to imply that all studies result in a 23.9 MeV per reaction number.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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