>From Mario Lacy:

>> Edmund Storms wrote:
>> > Come now, let's be realistic. He did not run because he would not
>> > have been safe anywhere in the world. When you damage so many people,
>> > many of whom are very powerful and will connected to the Jewish
>> > community, you will be killed very soon after leaving the US.
>> > Besides, his family was also at risk.  He took the only rational
>> > path.
> Could be. Although with all those millions probably something
> could be done, I think.
> Anyways, he nevertheless served the scapegoat role, from the
> moment he was exposed to the public view.

I see that Mr. Lawrence has weighed in with his two cents as well.
Now, it's my turn to shed a few pennies from my own purse, regardless
of how wildly off topic this thread has degenerated to.

To speculate that Maddox "...served the scapegoat role" implies that
through deliberate forethought and careful planning (a conspiracy, if
you wish) he was left out in the open high-and-dry by his "associates"
in order that they could save their own skins. But all the evidence
that seems to have been revealed so far would indicate that Maddox
pretty much masterminded his devastating Ponzi scheme all on his own.

Certainly, it is conceivable that Maddox had a few "assistants",
possibly playing their roles passively. But their "sins" are likely to
be more the "sins of omission", as compared to the "sins of
commission." If such guilty parties DO exist, I suspect few will be
discovered. They are not likely to be in positions of power where they
could have pulled any strings that would have personally lead to
Maddox being set up as the "scapegoat." If anything, such "assistants"
are probably pulling what few dwindling "strings" they have left at
their own disposal to keep themselves carefully concealed from
unwanted scrutiny.

What I think is far more alarming, perhaps even sinister, is the fact
that years ago certain financial analysts had already determined
(some, without a shadow of doubt) that what Maddox was doing HAD to be
blatantly illegal. What could almost be conceived as criminal
negligence at work here is the fact that these whistleblower's
attempts to warn the financial community were ignored. Perhaps another
example of "the sins of omission" at work here. But, IMO, such "sins
of omission" is not necessarily in itself evidence to support
conjecture that Maddox was being carefully set up to play the role of
a highly publicized "scapegoat." I think it's more a matter that such
"sins of omission", (meaning: They did NOT investigate the matter as
thoroughly as they should of when they had been given repeated
evidence to suggest something was terribly amiss), are now causing
such "guilty parties" to distance themselves as far as they possibly
can from being personally tainted by the horrible Maddox fallout. But
again, such actions to distance themselves from Maddox is not evidence
in itself that they are operating covertly within the context of a
conspiracy to turn Maddox into their personal "scapegoat" in order to
save their own skins.

Whom do you speculate these "associates" might be, the "associates"
who allegedly masterminded subsequent events that are now being played
out in the news, the ones that are responsible for personally turning
Maddox into the "scapegoat"?

...Or are you using the term "scapegoat" within a different context?

Steven Vincent Johnson

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