Jed sez:

> OrionWorks wrote:
> "Certainly, it is conceivable that Maddox had a few "assistants",
> possibly playing their roles passively. But their "sins" are likely to
> be more the "sins of omission" . . .
> What I think is far more alarming, perhaps even sinister, is the fact
> that years ago certain financial analysts had already determined
> (some, without a shadow of doubt) that what Maddox was doing HAD to be
> blatantly illegal. . . ."
> Madoff, not Maddox. Maddox was the editor of Nature. He had plenty of
> assistants, but what he did was perfectly legal.
> In the long view of history, Maddox and his cohorts caused much more harm
> than Madoff, albeit unintentionally. They thought they were doing good.
> - Jed

Jeez! I even googled "maddox" and "ponzi scheme" together in an
attempt to make sure I got the spellin cerrect. Upon closer inspection
I now see Google changed the spellin to from"Maddox" to "Madoff". Once
again I have been deceived, for my own good!

Steven Vincent Johnson

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